Caribou Gear Tarp

grizz protection, sidearm or pepper spray ?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
What would you use if you were on a backpack spike camp type of hunt? a light sidearm or pepper spray?
If sidearm, do you think .357 is enough??
Let the debate begin...
Supposedly out of the tests I have seen over the last four years, 1 out of 20 bears aren't affected by the spray.

I don't know what the exact reasoning why, they didn't state in the findings.

If you want to be double sure, carry both... :)
The .357 is better than a stick. I would probably count on the pepper spray to be more effective.

But I have no personal experience, having tried neither one on an attacking grizzly.
I"m reminded of the old tale about how to tell black bear scat from grizzily bear scat. Something about griz scat smelling like pepper spray and having bear bells in it.

If you are going to choose to carry a handgun, I would certainly carry something heavier than a .357. Unless you have a partner. Then all you need is a 22. Shoot your partner in the leg, then run like hell.

I think real pepper spray would be better. Mace even better yet.

Apparently there are some griz in Wisc? ;)

I need to talk to you about speed goats one of these days, sorry, I have been pretty busy. I don't think there are archery tags available anymore. :(
I try to hunt only with old fat guys and pour any left over grease from camp directly onto their a waterproofing aide of course.

Have never found bears to be much of a problem when staying with this program!
I know of a few bears killed in self defense locally. My opinion is if you are fast enough and catch a bear charging you with a blast of pepper spray, it might be better than a handgun. If you are knocked down and being bitten, I think I'd rather have a gun at that point. As for caliber, as long as it will break a back or penetrate the skull, it will work good enough because whether you are shooting a 50 BMG rifle, or a 9mm, a CNS hit will stop the bear, anything else will probably just piss it off for long enough for it to tear all your limbs off. I don't have confidence in mace when it comes to grizzlies any more than playing dead or yelling. Here's my mace: bear spanker
Damn, my biggest fear is sleeping in a tent out there, and what do i read today.... :eek: @ campers killed by grizz in AK. Apparently it killed them in their tent and they had an unfired weapon in there as well. But hey, you can get killed in a plane crash on the way out to hunt, and a 14yr old girl was just chomped to death by a shark in FL yesterday as well so when your number is up its up.
Greeny, nice gun, i was looking at them yesterday and they are pretty sweet. Why didnt you get the blak model for camo reasons? I also see Taurus has a similar gun for a few hundred less that is 17oz.
I am tossing back and fourth between what i would use because pepper spray is not legal to fly with even though my buddy has for 4 years now without getting flagged.
I will be hunting alone this year so having a partner that is slower than me with bacon grease on his shorts is not an option :D
Percentage of people sleeping out there compared to the percentage of bear attacks, still don't amount to much..

You want to keep them off you...

Follow Pauls and Marvs advise... :D
I honestly think the majority of people are better off with a can of pepper spray... I'm with greeny... You have to hit them in the CNS or your fugged! I would equate it to being a proficient PH in africa for dangerous game. You have to hit your target in the heat of the moment or you're scat!

I would bet money that 90% of the people that pack a side arm in bear country cound't hit a bear to neutralize him if all the chips were down anyway, no offence to anyone here, but I think it takes a special type of mind to keep your cool in these kind of situations. I don't shoot a pistol all that much, and I know for a fact that I couldn't hit one in the head in a split second shot. I personally would pick the pepper spray for this reason. I think that I could get the peper spray in pretty close, especially when you can see the stream and adjust your aim accordingly. But on the other hand... if the wind is blowing hard in your face... You might as well just coat yourslef with barbeque sauce. :)

It would be intresting to know how many people get chewed on who are packing a big pistol as compared to people that are packing the spray... and compare that to detered attacks... I bet the split goes toward the spray if you could equate the number or attacks.

I've camped for years in grizzly territory and have been lucky so far. In all those years, last year was the first time we had seen a grizz in our area. I think the key is to keep your camp as clean as possible, and hope for the best. IMO your odds of running into a bear at close range and needing your "organizer" is about as good as getting struck by lightning...

If you're worried about being eaten by them at night, get a packable electric fence.

I don't pack a pistol or spray... One less thing to worry about, like the others said, your best defence is to take someone you can out run.
If you want something that will work as a Griz deterrant carry a Shotgun. Load it with buckshot and slugs mixed. I've seen pepper-spray used by the cops at the bar and sometimes it doesn't slow the drunkard down so why would it slow a Griswald down? If I get one (Griz) comin at myself this fall he'll be tasting lead from my 300 Winny, not using a damn spice to make me taste better.
As for those folks who were attacked in their tent, does anyone want to be that that woman was on or just finished her menstrual cycle? That was the one thing in common three of the four girls attacked by bears in Arizona a few years ago.

Bad news to be in the bear woods with a woman who is menustrating.


If you're rifle hunting, I wouldn't worry about packing additional hardware. If archery, I'd pack a firearm. I wouldn't mess with spray.

I have no experience with grizz. I have had a couple run-ins with blackies though, all with archery gear. One was a bluff-charge that stopped at about 5 yards with popping teeth. Having a big revolver handy would've made me feel better. The others were bear that found my elk and didn't care that it was MY tag on the animal.
Schmalts, when it's in a holster, all that's visible is the handle and it's a dull finish anyway. I didn't carry anything for several years, but had some scary run-ins last September. My .44 mountain gun was too heavy to pack around, never have had any faith in pepper spray although it was damn funny to hose down squirrels with.

Check out your odds of being injured in the backcountry of Yellowstone by a bear (griz or black). And to think drawing a desert sheep tag is difficult, getting eaten by a bear is much more rare. Stats on bear injuries

And Danr, here's some info on the Menstrating woman myth
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