Caribou Gear

Good trip to the west


Well-known member
May 19, 2016
Lake Michigan
I thought I'd share a couple pictures from a successful western deer hunt. I have never shot a whitetail out west and finally got one on the ground. Somehow a mule deer always seems to get in the way before a white tail does. We didn't see much the first morning except for one decent buck chasing a doe at about 100 mph. We were headed back to the truck at midday when we came over the hill and saw this nice buck bedded down.
bedded buck.jpg

We watched him for a while and decided he wasn't what we were after on the first day. nice mature deer though. After a couple hrs of hiking, we got back to the truck and decided to try a place that we knew from a previous hunt and headed out. On the way, we saw some good looking territory off in the distance and after a quick check of the map, knew there was some public in there. We worked our way back into it, and popped over a huge ridge. Over the other side to our surprise was a pile of big bull elk and some spikes.
elk 1.jpg
elk 2.jpg

We were so excited to see the elk, we were having trouble controlling the volume of our voices. I looked out and at about 500 yards I saw a deer sneaking off that we had spooked. Well after about 2 miles of cat and mouse across hills and wooded draws, we finally caught up to him and had him on the ground. To say I was excited would be an understatement!
It was a couple miles through some steep hills back to the truck. At least it was 8°F with a good brisk wind to keep us from overheating. If anyone has a good eye for detail, I'm wearing my new First Lite puffy pants and coat. I don't buy myself nice things because I destroy them, but these are worth their weight in gold. Best money I have spent on gear ever.
Beautiful !!! I really want some new first light gear myself I really need to go somewhere that stocks all of it as I'm always an oddball size .
I wanted to add something else. I didn’t really contribute any lessons learned and I really like when people share things that worked or didn’t work. The biggest thing that contributed to getting this deer was being aggressive. If that were a Michigan deer you would have never got him by chasing him. By trying to carefully follow the deer after we bumped him, we could see him sneaking through and crossing draws. If we had t stayed right after him, he would have been lost. Also, he kept sneaking a little lower in each draw before popping out again. Slowly working his way out the bottom of the valley. So if a big buck runs the other way, don’t be afraid to take off after him. Just try to keep a good vantage point because every time we hit a pocket of timber we thought he was in. We could see him disappear into the next patch of brush farther down.
Thanks guys, South Dakota for those who asked. Shouldn’t be overly hard to find out where with the elk haha.