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good article about lawyers


Protector of Innocent Idiots
Dec 30, 2000
Have you ever sat in a committee meetings and listen to a lawyer attempt to contribute to the group? Isn’t it amazing that in their attempts to define everything that in fact nothing gets done. You want to shoot the SOB, but realize that is not worthy of your time, so instead you plot to plan the next meeting at a time you know conflicts with his schedule, just so you can have a productive meeting and actually accomplish something? If you have been in this situation, you may wish to here why this happens. If you have never been in this situation either you have not volunteered very much to sit on committees or you are just a very lucky sole indeed.

Why do Lawyers fight over definitions? Perhaps they merely want to disrupt progress, after all that is the resultant of their rhetoric when all is said and done? Do they derive person gain, joy, misdirection spitefulness in pretending to be right in a closed loop system, the answer for many lawyers or aspiring lawyer types may surprise you, as indeed they do derive pleasure from such? Because they will not yield their absolute use of definitions, often the participants get so annoyed that they quit the committee, thus inevitably granting the lawyer his political will. By departing the committee and doing this they have effectively left their shovel and left the sand box. Thus the lawyer has one less to contend with as he uses his rhetoric to mold the minds of the less endowed with meaningless BS.
Some might ask why these types even join committees to simply to pick a fight? In the end the reason is clear they have been using this tactic all their lives to get their way. They are the ones who tear down our society and civilization and probably why Caesar said; “First thing we need to do is kill all the Lawyers” and isn’t it amazing that in a thousand years little has changed in that regard, as such noble advice might be the best in our present period.

Perhaps you have been involved in chat rooms, bulletin boards or participated in Blogs and have found that humans often do this sort of disruptive technique in online correspondence. If so hopefully you will see thru the rhetoric and BS and not allow it to cloud your judgment in the future, as once you see what is happening you can immediately recognize the tactic as nothing more than wasting of everyone’s time. One way to deal with a lawyer is to carefully stroke their ego the entire conversation, pretend you value their input and think that they are tops. All the while knowing that without a doubt lawyers are complete scum of the Earth and much worse than the 2 feet of black and brackish polluted mud resulting from the flooding of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.Have you thought about how you may have been mislead or how a lawyer type has misrepresented themselves in a committee meeting you were sitting on. Or how they tried to become the chair of the meeting, by playing definitional advocate? If so you have seen true evil and understand what Caesar was thinking. Think on this.
I understand what his point is and it is well founded and very well stated... :)

Nice observation...
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