
Gone huntin


New member
May 9, 2001
Well I will see ya all on Sunday evenin.We are heading out in just a few mins to see if we can find a gobbler.I will have story ready to go when I get back and hopefully I will have some pictures.
Good luck Kraven !!!!! We're looking foward to the story regardless if ya get one..... But hopefully ya score !!!!! Either way, Make something up liek the rest of us did ;)
OK friday evening we headed over east of the Mountains near Ellensberg Wa.We got a late start due to my dad had to work late,so we ended up getting to our camp at 10:30pm.We set up the wall tent and everything else and got to bed around 1:00am.At 4:00am the alarm went off and we got up,ate breakfast and started to head up the hill.We got about 150 yards from camp and spotted a herd of elk and some more elk by the end of the weekend we had seen around 250 elk and 2 of them were spikes that hadnt dropped their antlers yet.
Since we had never done this before we headed to an area that we had seen turkeys in during elk season.So me and my dad called in this area while my brother was in a different canyon.We got 1 gobble at around 7:30 then nothing else.So we kept moving and did alittle more calling every 200-300 yards.At 9:05 we heard a shot in the direction my brother was in so we turned on the CB radio and he never responded to our call so we figured he didnt do the shooting.This day was not ery productive for my dad and I.We headed to the truck around 12:00 for lunch and noticed Jason(my brother) at the truck already with his Gobbler.It was a small turkey but it was our first yr so we were very happy.The beard was around 3" long with no spurs.
Sunday was a good day even tho we didnt get a bird.My brother called in a big Gobbler for us but it hung up around 80 yards away.He did his strutting which was an awesome sight to see.We did a stalk on it with no luck.The turkey ended up going abouv us on the hill then flying down the canyon abouve us.That is a pretty awesome site when a turkey is abouve you.All total we had 8 Gobblers respond to us.I can say now that we are now hooked on Turkey hunting,we are heading back over to see if we can bag us a bird.I will have pictures when I finish the roll of film.
Good going Kraven!!!
Congrats to your brother. Maybe next week you can get that long beard you guy's were working on. That will show him for being persnickity. :D :D :D
your right !! now your hooked and i can tell ya it only gets worse :D:D but thats the beauty of the whole obsession! congrats on the bird and good luck on your future turkey adventures!
Sounds like you were into them, were you guys in the same canyons that you elk hunt, i was up last thursday a little east of there and had a tom coming in but i heard somebody else calling and thought he was there first so i backed off, well he shot and hit him but it got away. I went up riding today, do you guys to down that old dipen vat rd. Thats rough back in there.
Congrats to your brother!!

Those birds are famous for hanging up like that, but that is why they call it huntin I guess. You are hooked and like DKO said, it only gets worse!! I went birdless this year (my season is over) I got hung up on getting a big bird and passed on three jakes and a couple of smaller Toms. That will teach me to get greedy huh??
Good luck for the rest of your season!! :D
Thanks to all.
Hey Kirk yes we go up the Dippen Vat Road where we elk hunt at.The road Y's and we stay to the right up in there is where we elk hunt at and Turkey hunt now.I will be over in 2 weeks.
Cool, If you were going to be over this weekend i was going to stop in at 4:30 in the morning and have a cup of coffee. This will be my last weekend of turkey hunting so well see what happens.
Good luck to ya Kirk ya my wife has the weekend off.And if I go over chasing turkeys I might get my arse shot.I will be over there May 4th and 5th.So if you get a spare moment or two head on over.We will have the wall tent set up on the left side of the road only a couple hundred yards up the Dippen Vat road.
We dont take the What Road to head up into the Dippen Vat that is alittle to rough for me. :D
I think i know where you guys are, we went up last weekend except we went up the cow canyon road which brought us over to the what rd and old dip vat rd. I think i missed the turnoff for the regular Dipping vat rd. I dont think its labeld. Its not to far after you pass the gate on the left to go to milk canyon is it.
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