Caribou Gear

Going Back...

Mini Moose

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Pocatello, ID, USA
After a cow i have 2 more weeks and weekends to fill the tag and i am after a cow this shouldn't be difficult, but wish me luck anyways

Happy Hunting
Best of luck to you MM.
Well, just got back and as luck would have it, i got fuggin skunked didn't even see any sign of elk anywhere,

I did however see 2 very large mule deer and 1 bull moose, see FUGG in the deer section
Tommorow morning i will be out again, hopefully all day again, and then the next 2 days are morning only hunts because i have to work, but i am hoping to see just 1 cow
Hey Minnie

Hang in there, you still got time..
Bad day of hunting is still better than a good day at work...
Look at all the extra time you get to spend out hunting... Good luck