Get Involved!!!


New member
Mar 6, 2018
Benton, Arkansas
Dear Hunters,
We can't just be all talk! I'm encouraging everyone to contact their polictians and voice your concerns on public lands. I today wrote an email to both of my state Senators and my local respresentive. Tomorrow I will hit the governor and even my local mayor. I takes all of about 15 minutes or so and with all the chat on this forum I know you got time. Now get it done!
Here's an opportunity. Montana Rep Greg Gianforte has two bills to dismantle protections now on forest, prairie, badlands and Missouri Breaks to dissolve Montana Wilderness Study Areas and open those special Montana wildlands and wildlife habitat to resource extraction and motorized intrusion. Call 1-885-935-3634 and request that those bills be retracted. If you are in support of reviewing wilderness study areas and readjusting wild lands protections, then you should still be opposed to those bills and request some other proposal to adjust or diminish protections. Oppose Rep Gianforte's HR 5148 and HR 5149.
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Another way to stay involved is to get on the e-mail lists for groups like BHA, Nature Conservancy, etc. They send me e-mails with links to "contact your representative." Then it is pretty easy to fill out a form and/or write e-mails and/or call the numbers listed. It only takes a few minutes each time and together we can all make a difference!