NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Gasoline for fire starter


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid
OK, its been awile since i reviewed a product. tonight after inmbinding in some sprits of the mexican persuaaasion i would like to give you th e resulets of a test i did to see hwihc was the best gas for staring a fire while camping.

Regulare unleaded.

I start this review with regular 86 ocatne gas from tsexaco. I filled a five gallen buckse and headed of f to the forest. After dfuming the gaas over some old dead tress i lighted with a mathc. This was the result.


As you cna see the result is a nice fire for roasing your weenies or hotdags.

My next thest was a tne gallon bucket of 93 octane racing gas. i got good restules from this one


Now thats a might fine fire to cook a marshmeallew on.

For my lest test i parkd a semi loadied with jet fule next to some old growth timber.

This was the result


I think this one was a little to hot. not recomeendded for cooking marshamells or streaks.

A final anannlyis of my finding s leads me to bvleive that the bewst gas for cooking is either 86 or 93 ocatan. I would saty way form the jet fuel.

If you have a fquestion about makeing firs please let me know and I will pass along some of my knwoslege

[ 06-12-2004, 09:44: Message edited by: feclnogn ]