Friggin Cool!


Your either on a death wish, or you were
still hung over big time. Keep up that kinda
behavior out there and you'll be a permanent
part of the landscape! :D

ps Good story.
Oh my god :D
Aside from getting chased by a Mama Moose in the Upper Green on a snow machine ride one day, That has to be one of the best "moose" stories ever!!!
I laughed so hard I thought I was going to wet myself, and believe me being 6 months pregnant that could happen easily :eek:
What can I say Mark your either a true daredevil or just the dumbest redneck ever...LOL
I havent read this board for a long time and to come here by chance today and read this, well now I have to come back more often, especially now that Im not in Wyoming and wont be able to hunt this year so PLEASE gimme details from all ya'lls great Elk, Antelope and Moose hunts this year while I sit here in total envy.
And knowing you guys this years stories will be even better then last years... ;)
Happy Hunting Guys,

p.s. I definatly want to see more pics of Indy on the Horse :D :D :D
Brian.....not really a death wish.....just sometimes I don't always follow the handbook on the things I do ;) .....wait til you see the pix of the black bear cub I was able to pet in Alaska!....mamma, a cinnamon, had just trashed our camp, and while she was pre-occupied, we got closer than we should to her cub! :eek: .......for a while anyway! :D
Well if it ain't Blacklightening!.......I thought you was dead! ;) Yeah, the funny stories just keep rolling in.......maybe we should start filming this shit and make a video! :D

And what kinda hunter plans a pregnancy that interupts elk season! :mad:
DS hobble a horse like that would be a shame.........mares like her are meant to run free ;) I just hate she will miss her elk hunt this year. Broncogal, shoot me a mail when you get time...I lost everything when Pug gave me a virus a few months back, so I don't have your addy any longer.
Hey now I had surgery done to prevent this kind of thing from ruining my Hunting seasons....seems he pulled some male dominace super barrier breaking sperm from out of no where to keep me off mountains away from the rifraf....LOL
And besides that I didnt do anything I was trying to sleep and thought he was just reaching for the remote control :D ;)
Oh well I guess yet another Elk will live to see another year unless he dies of old age waiting for me to kill him :rolleyes:
As long as I have these tall tales on here to get me by I think I will be fine until next year.
Broncogal, it's good to see you posting.
I missed your sense of humor.
Thats sucks missing hunting season,but at least you get to read about it, and the way these guys post its the next best thing to being there.
Take care.
Keep posting ,someone need's to keep these jokesters in line :D
Sleeping huh?.....forgive me, I do have to laugh on that one! :D

What ya gonna name him? Something southern I hope! ;)

We'll keep one tied up for you until you can get up here next year.........hell, at least you saved having to buy that hellacious non-res tag! :eek:
A non-resident wyoming tag???.... :confused:
That is the saddest thing Ive ever heard,
I have been a resident of Wyoming for 29 years and now that I dont live there they are gonna stick it to me for a tag....geee shouldnt I get a native discount or something....LOL
As for a name well he wont get a name being that 3 ultrasounds and a very painfull amnio proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this little peanut is all make way for another wild hunting female with a gun :D
As far as southern goes....well shucks ya'll I have met more men named Leslie and Carol and Shannon down here so Im glad it isnt a boy cause Id have to name it a girls name hehehehe As far as a name does go Im at a loss there, we have been through the 30,001 baby name book and still come up with nuffin :mad:
Maybe Ill get a free bumper sticker or Hat and Ill name her MOOSIE :D
So DS!!!!
Whats for excitement for next year...Kissing a griz, while feasting on raw wild meat, and being slathered in fresh blood!!!LOL!!! :D :D :D
Great story!!!
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