PEAX Equipment



Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
I guess i never thought of sharing this before but... If you guys want free dessicant bags for your gun safe heres the scoop. Go to your nearest Harley-Davidson dealer and ask a mechanic if he has any to give you. They usually get them shipped in a lot of bikes in the crate and they just get tossed out. They are the size of a pound cake, real nice and some have drying instructions. i think its 250degrees for 6-8 hours in the oven, i will have to look.
Anyway, dry them out as described, put them on a good accurate scale, write the poundage on them with marker and now you know the baseline when they need to be dried again by weighing them every so often. I dry em when they gain 1 lb each. although i have 4 in my safe because we toss em out here like cordwood ...
Maybe call ahead to a dealer and tell them a freind of yours who works for the company told you to call and ask

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-04-2003 13:11: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
schmalts, We don't have a harley dealer around here. Do ya'll have alot of extra's If so would you ship. I'll pay.
let me see what the boss says. They get real particular about taking anything out of the building. Give me a few days.
works great, I've done it for about 12 years now.

some other places you might try:

machine shops (that's where I got my last batch, was package with a band-saw)

electronics/computer shops (when I lived in Louisiana, I got my first ones packaged in some big electronic equipment at work)

places that use x-ray & developing equipment

think of shops around your town that use equipment that's susceptible to corrosion/humidity, when they receive new equipment, it's probably shipped with bags of dessicant

schmalt's is right, they work great

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-08-2003 12:42: Message edited by: RANDALL K ]</font>