Fivers 2011 MT Bull


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Well, since Zach is busy as heck at work today, i'll throw up the hunt story for him. Not much to it really. We were planning on heading in to camp a day before season for some scouting and then hunting the first four days of season but Zach's work schedule put a crimp in the plans. We ended up getting out there about 10 pm the night before the opener and he had to be back first thing monday morning. So, knowing we were gonna have a day and a half at best, and knowing he probably wouldn't get to go the rest of rifle season thanks to his work schedule, we had our work cut out for us. Long story short, it was about 3 pm and we sat to take a rest. Zach looked at the GPS and we had 15.8 miles on the boots for the day. There was a spot I had never hunted before just over the next ridge but wanted to go check it out. It was only about another mile so we headed over. Just before we crested the ridge, i looked out and spotted a couple elk. We changed course and ended up popping up on the knob right above these elk that were bedded and feeding in the draw below us. We saw the bull right away and sat for about 5 minutes trying to decide if he was a shooter or not. He had great fronts and was pretty heavy but it seemed like the back end may have been a little shy of what we were hoping for. Then we talked about how much time we possibly had left of a season for Zach and he just said screw it, he's not huge but he is a good bull..........about 10 seconds later he was laying in a heap on the ground:D He really is a neat bull, strong front end and a little palmation on the beams. A cool little 7th point on the main beam between the G1 and G2. We took a couple pictures and looked at the GPS..........Ah, 7 miles to truck, crap:eek:
We got busy and got him cut up and in bags. We took off with load one and got back to the truck at 11:30 PM. We were exhausted and out of water so we decided it would be a better idea to get some sleep and head back for load two in the am. So we slept a few hours and headed back in the am. We reached the truck with load 2 at 3 pm and i can promise you, i couldn't have been happier to see that dang thing!

All and all, a great hunt, DIY, public land. Congrats Zach on a fine bull, especially for only really having a 2 day season available;) Hopefully you will be able to take a day off when I have to go shoot one.


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Looks like a good one from here! Good job guys, I bet you slept well last night.
Very nice bull and very heavy i beat too! That one way to break in a pair of boots! Congrats guys!
Tell you what Critter, you're one of those guys who's got it all figured out. How much time do you spend finding all these areas with big animals?
Tell you what Critter, you're one of those guys who's got it all figured out. How much time do you spend finding all these areas with big animals?

I certainly don't have much figured out. But the most important key i've found to being somewhat successful is having a wife that will tolerate you being gone a lot............I definately have the best when it comes to that..........

Here's how much i have it figured out.................i still have every tag i bought this year in my pocket :):)
Thanks for the great comments. And yes DK I do owe Critter a ton and would be more than happy to pack anything out for him. He is just too damn picky, I can't tell you how many hunts I have been with him he didn't shoot...including last years 10 days in Colorado. One of these days I won't be in Houston or New York when he calls to tell me he has one down. :D
Beautiful bull guys. It wouldn't have taken me anywhere near 5 minutes to decide to shoot that one.
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