fishing with olefish


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
We'll after 5 days of trying to go fishing and not being able to olefish and I finally went(friday afternoon)..
I met him at the hotel he was staying at here in PHX. we drove to my house to get the boat and got to chat on the way..
We get to the lake and sign up for a little friday night tournament, get the boat in the water and head out... The river portion opened up for the first time in 7 months.. Virgin water (they close it for the stupid eagles,for 7 months a year, but thats another story)...
Get out the poles and start fishing.. about 30 mins into it I hook and boat a 2lber... olefish got a few bites..Go slowy up the blank flipping lizzards and sencos.. I get a dink then another one a little smaller than my first one...Then olefish catches a nice 2.64 pound bass. No more bits in the river so we head back to the weighin about 8:20 had to be there by 9;00pm. get back a little earlier then we planned so we fish the boat ramp area.. WOW olefish was on fire he put about 3-4 fish in the boat all about 2lbs in 15 mins.. Idle over to wiegh-in and weigh-in our fish..Then tied the boat up and headed up to the weigh-in... becaue there was only a few people (64 I think) they payed down to 6 place... and guess what OLEFISH WON even though it was only 10 bucks i was very happy for the guy.. after he got his money we went fishing for a bit again and both caught a few. He definatly out fished me.. BUt I had a blast I hope he did as well... we got off the water at 12:30 in the morning and i dropped him off at his hotel....

Fish this lake has been unusally slow for this time of year and I was very happy he was able to put a few fish in the boat...

:cool: news. Betcha you both had a great time. It is good that you shared your time with olefish Delw.

on another note though:The master angler Delw is also a master guide too. One question, Delw did you also bait the hooks? :D ;)
WHAT ?!?!?!? Ol' fish didn't use his Pistol ?~?~ :D :D

GLAD you guys hooked up !!!!! Sounds like a time to be had !!!
Well I am very glad that I was able to meet Delw and spend some time with him and his family. The fishing was great and WOW 78 mph across the water in his boat was just a little faster than my 30mph putter. If you judge the quality of a man by his family and fishing DELW is 10 for 10. Thank you for a great time bud. olefish
olefish I'm glad you had a good time.. whats the water temp. up in your neck fo the woods?.. hehe rememeber what it was here well in a week it will up to 92 degrees...
ps i think we only had her at 67mph that was goign to the spot. hehe also got the trolling motor fixed think you can make it down this week end?

I'm am sure glad you guys had a good time

Wyoming people are so nice to be around friendly and all hehehe....

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