NEW SITKA Ambient 75

First Walleye


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
It's been an extremely busy summer at work so far and one of my boys said he'd like to go fishing at the river bottom in town about a 5 minute drive from the house. Well with a niece getting married, a family reunion and a sick mother-inlaw there hasn't been much free time. I told him to load the rods and a few lures and we'd go for an hour or so. His first cast he gets hung up in some weeds. I'm still not finished setting up so I proceed to pull it out for him. I take a couple minutes to work it free and hand him the rod back and tell him to crank a little faster to keep it off the bottom. He makes about 3 cranks and the rod tip hits the water and after a few minutes he's got his first walleye. We no sooner land and release his walleye and we spot 2 cow moose crossing the river down aways from us. Turned out to be a pretty good time with 6 walleye caught and released.



Wow, sweet fish, tremendous creek-crossers and an amazing sunset shot.

Life looks pretty good up there.
nice pictures and some nice walleye to.Got me hungry for some fish,I better get done putting the new floor in the kitchen so I can cook some up.
Good looking fish. I finally ate a walleye for the first time this summer and was so impressed that I'm hoping to make a trip next year to catch some of my own. They are some of the best tasting fish I've ever had.
Second day of our long week-end up here and we tackled the river again. This time we lost all but one before we could land them. I managed to land 1 Goldeye and the boys lost about a dozen mixed bag of Goldeye and Walleye. Another great end to the day. I am truly blessed to have 4 kids that would rather spend a couple days off with the old man than hang at 7/11 raising crap.


Who releases walleyes... ;) they'd have been released right to the ice in my cooler! Man I love to eath those things.

Powderburn... you call those goldeneyes? I coudn't remember what they were called. I remember when I was little we went and visited my grandpa in BC and we boated a pile of those suckers.... I mean one right after another they were sure fun. I think I was probalby 10-12. That was a fun trip. I miss going to the Great White North!!!
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