Caribou Gear

figuring out Wyoming access yes map


New member
Dec 27, 2012
I understand the red is walk in areas but I'm not sure what the yellow and blue sections are. can anybody help me out? Thanks
Yellow - BLM public land
Blue is State Trust Land -Public land
But - you do need to have access to these lands as some is land locked by private property.
To legally access any "public" land in Wyoming it has to have a state or county road in or along the edge of the land. Be aware that sometimes private roads can look like public and even have road signs at times. Buy some blm maps and get some county maps from the chamber of commerce. You can usually get it figured out that way. Also, green is national forest or grassland. I heard a guy flew an ultralight into a landlocked section of blm and got a ticket for trespassing.
To legally access any "public" land in Wyoming it has to have a state or county road in or along the edge of the land. Be aware that sometimes private roads can look like public and even have road signs at times. Buy some blm maps and get some county maps from the chamber of commerce. You can usually get it figured out that way. Also, green is national forest or grassland. I heard a guy flew an ultralight into a landlocked section of blm and got a ticket for trespassing.

Unless he flew it into a piece of BLM that prohibits motorized vehicles like where we hunt or into the wilderness areas he shouldn't have received a ticket. Big Fin has gone into landlocked BLM land in Montana by helicopter on at least 2 different hunts that he filmed for his show. Also, there are ranchers and also outfitters that are leasing private property that try to get away with posting roads as closed and/or public land as private property. If the road goes through private property it might still be legal to use if the NFS or BLM has gained access rights for the public. It takes proper maps and some research through phone calls or a visit to the NFS or BLM Office to know if you're legal or not in a lot of areas. If you're sure you are legal and a person other than a Warden or Police Officer tries to stop you from accessing or using the land, you should immediately contact the authorities to get it straightened out and not let someone bluff you off of OUR land..
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