

New member
Oct 18, 2003
Nor'East USA
A woman, happily married for many years, thought that she would try to spruce herself up for her husband to breathe new life to their relationship so she went to a plastic surgeon to inquire about cosmetic surgery to look younger.

She asked him what he could do for her as far as a facelift.

He said, "Well we have three options that you can choose but they vary in cost, one is $1,000, the second, $2000 and the third is $3000."

The woman asked him, "What can the $1,000 option do for me?"

The doctor replied, "For $1000 I can get rid of some wrinkles and remove some crow's feet near your eyes, but all in all, you get what you pay for and it will only last a few years."

To which the woman asked, "Then what does the second option do that the first won't?"

His reply this time was, "It is much like the first but I spend some time on a chin tuck as well but remmember it is only going to last a few years just like the $1000 facelift."

The woman wanting a bit more asked about the third option to which the doctor replied, "With the $3000 option we do a complete wrinkle removal along with the crow's feet and also do the chin tuck but this time we insert a small unnoticeable screw on the back of your scalp so that every three years you come in for an inexpensive tune-up that can keep your face looking young for many years to come."

The woman was VERY excited about this option and decided to have the surgery performed. Afterwards she was instructed to return in a couple months to see that everything healed up well.

After the 2 months went by she returned dissappointed and said, "Doc, you've done a wonderful job, my husband is pleased, there's new life to our relationship but something seems to be wrong as I've never had any bags under my eyes before."

The doctor took one look at her and without hesitation said, "Lady, those aren't bags under your eyes and if you don't stop messin' with that screw you're going to have a mustache!"
I don't get it

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