Yeti GOBOX Collection

ElkGunner Disloyal to Friends!!!



"I have buddies who have put water tanks in the back of dump trucks, and made a fortune, and trust me they were not too bright. It would have to be pretty difficult not to get rich hiring in on this Gravy Train." - - E.G.

Lets see pics of them doing that now!!!
Let's actually see any proof of this!!!
It has happened, but was done in the year 2000, lets see any new pics of any of these same death traps still in the force... It is so easy to sit around and cut and paste crap off the internet, it is full of that stuff... It is harder to come out of ones own bunker in their little hole in the ground in Idaho from behind the barbed wire and high walls to actually look into the sun and rub the dark from ones eyes... Come on gunner, move into the present now and state some thing that is closer to current truth... ;) :D
I think he will have sufficient problems with his "not too bright" friends now that he has entered the light!
Of course when you are the smartest boy in the world, it is easy to look down on the poor ignorant masses... :rolleyes:
Spoiled rich kids really never see the light any way...
Seems they made a show just not to long ago about to rich little girls that just didn't get it either...
I have buddies who have put water tanks in the back of dump trucks, and made a fortune, and trust me they were not too bright.
Either of you two have buddies and pals that are different then friends? Any of your buddies or pals not the sharpest pencils in the drawer?

Buddies and pals I can hunt with, golf with, drink beer with etc.

Friends are people who you can trust to be there with you through thick and thin. They are two different things.

I'm not sure how you classify people, since they are all different. Just from this site alone, they are people that I think I could bank on their word - Deerslayer, Danr, Jason Lee and others (even Buzz!!!). I would not really consider them friends, though - more like trustworthy acquaintances. Then there are people that I have gotten to know better, like Moosie, Anaconda, Tom and a few more, that I consider friends and also know that I can count on them.

If someone is a fool, then I would say, "I know this guy" or "There is this doofus I know.." (Oh wait, that doofus is Moosie....) ;)
"As I said to my buddy: "How come it is always me that has to think of these brilliant ideas?" --E.G.
"Ihave buddies... and trust me they were not too bright..." -- E.G.

Well; there ya go!
I feel really bad now - I forgot Fred (Nut) and Vipe as two people here that I have spent time with and consider to be friends!!!! They are "salt of the earth" folks, and I'm proud to know 'em.
Boy this thread makes me feel bad. I don't have any friends. I use to have a nice blow up girl friend but she exploded when I forgot to unhook her from the air compressor. :( :( :(

Looks like I should quit this forum and start hanging out on the porn boards looking for a cheap hooker. :eek: :eek:

Or better yet I could start digging through dumpsters at the local apartment complex looking for aluminum cans, if I get enough I could go by a new inflatable rubber girlfriend.

See ya later losers, I am off to find my new love. :D :D :D
I would guess that gunner was one that got beat up in school growing up, that is why it is much easier now to have the internet, you can be as snotty as you like, and not get beat up.... well in the litteral sence any way... Sad really, very very sad....
Just curious,did anyone else attempt that IQ test on the last online "outdoor" newsletter? I'll er post my result after you all post yours. ;)
Did you save it? I haven't seen it kiwi. If you have a link post it! :D
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