Elk Recipes

You guys are much more ambitious than I.

Grill it on both sides to medium rare, consume. Add horseradish and or A1 as needed.
Fry up a pound of burger with seasonings to taste, add BBQ sauce and throw on bread, you have sloppy joes, Awesome for elk!
Tenderized round with lots of pepper in the flour and dredge. Cream gravy with the stuff that sticks to the bottom of the frypan. Grands flaky bisquits. Food that will stick you your aorta.
One of my all time quick and easy favorites, sprinkle with worcestershire sauce and then Morton's Natures Seasonings. Pan fry in butter until medium rare.
try crunching up sour cream and onion chips and rolling your steak in that batter. Pan fry in olive oil to rare/med rare.