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Electronic Game Call for Under $50.00


New member
Jan 9, 2001
ElDorado, AR
Bought a horn (speaker) for $20.00, and hooked it up to an old "boom box" I had. Only problem with the "boom box" is that all it has is an external plug-in is for headphones, not speakers. A headphone plug-in restricts the amount of volume (because it is for headphones) and I could get very little volume. Went down to my friendly neighborhgood pawn shop and four and AM/FM stereo/cassette player that also runs on 6 "D" cell batteries and it has plug-ins for the speakers. Bought it for $25.00 and it sounds as good as anyting I have heard. It is one of those little "cube" type stereos you see at discount houses for around $100.00 all the time and it and the horn will fit in a day-pack.. At $100, it is not any more attractive than what you can buy already rigged up for predator calling in that you have to buy a horn also, however, at the price you can pick one up for in a pawn shop, it makes this quite a viable option. For less than $50.00 (I already had the speaker wire), I have an electronic game call. Used it today for the 1st time. Didn't call up any critters (but didn't really expect to at high noon) but the "field test" went well. It is a very economical alternative.
ArkLibertarian: great idea!
If you get a chance next time you field test it put the horn in a stuffed animal. Let use know your results. I did this once and the coyote carried off the toy.

Reason I tried this was one time while varmit hunting I was using a tape recorder and a coyote carried it off.We were in shock and just watched it go away coyote tape recorder and all.we did find it about 200 yards out though

Thanks for the idea, I'll give it a try. I haven't shot one yet, just got started, but have been bit by this bug real bad (I'm married to a great woman, coming to think all of us who do this are).
Are you in arkansas? Do they have alot of coyotes there?How about red fox's?
So many questions thanks

We have a good many coyotes here in South Arkansas and red fox are plentiful for G&F to open the season on them. Coyotes are especially a problem over in the delta and I have permission to go over there after duck season.
good luck with the hunting, If theres any thing I could help you with let me know.

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