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Do they tastes like chicken?

They should put ALL owls and hawks on the menu…get our small game population back to what it used to be.
Be glad to. Turkeys need all the help they can get. The explosion of birds of prey while turkey numbers are down is a real issue.
Boiled owl isn’t bad. Big difference between a barred owl and a screech owl. Them little elf owls down in the desert are a true delicacy. I’d rank it behind eagle, peregrine falcon and ivory billed woodpecker. Not in any particular order.
On a pronghorn hunt this year in NE CO I was driving back to camp after sundown. I was going a bit faster then I probably should've been on that particular road excited to get back to camp and some food when suddenly one of those burrowing owls emerged from his hole in the middle of the road. It was to late to slow down in time and instead of ducking back into its hole it took flight just in time to meet my bumper.
On a pronghorn hunt this year in NE CO I was driving back to camp after sundown. I was going a bit faster then I probably should've been on that particular road excited to get back to camp and some food when suddenly one of those burrowing owls emerged from his hole in the middle of the road. It was to late to slow down in time and instead of ducking back into its hole it took flight just in time to meet my bumper.
How did it taste?
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