Democrat Establishment Wages War on Bald Eagles


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid
Citgo Petroleum Corp. (one of those companies routinely condemned by Democrats for supplying America with such necessities as fuel and jobs) was good enough to set aside Petty's Island in the Delaware River as a nature preserve. The reason: A pair of bald eagles nested on the 300-acre island and even hatched an eaglet despite the nearby environmental horrors of Camden and Pennsauken, N.J.
"But now the eagles are facing a greater threat: New Jersey's Democratic power brokers, who are pushing to build a resort on the island, complete with a hotel, more than 300 homes, a conference center and an 18-hole golf course. They are pressuring the McGreevey administration to reject the plans to make the land a nature preserve," the Times reported.
full story

Well this is a new twist.
Establishment??? Fecl did you ever wear a head band,pony tail and a flowery shirt with maybe bell bottom jeans and sandles?? :D
LMAO, not really, they have alway's been about the money, list how many democrate Senators/Congressmen out there that really live by those ideals they preach. Give to your fellow man and help thine neighbor to name a couple, there are tons of things they do that don't jive with that which they preach. Big for instance, how many of them are poor? Or are just getting by with what they make with out trying to get their fingers into some thing to make them rich by using their position to do so? If those type of individuals get a seat of power, it is the oldsters in the party that make it a point that they jump on the gravy train and follow a certain set of guide lines or get totaly shut out, so ideals go out the window. Patty Murry is a perfect example, follow the unstated rules of power and get what you want for your state, try to buck the system and you will sit fallow until you are voted out or step down.

Both parties are like this, it's just the democrates are so much more callus and in your face about it...
His morals are OK Gunner!
She is his wife and he did ask! :D
I am sure you think his morals are ok, but he seems to be out of step with the Morals of the rest of this country, as evidenced by his plummeting poll numbers, and his exit.
your really funny :D
First you want me to fix my spelling, then you don't, then you do...
Next, you start in on my about short posts, so I make them longer...
To many posts? I slowed the posting down to less than you do...
Then name calling never ceases,
What is it you really want... me to quit this site?
Or just fall into lock step with every thing you believe or think you may believe...
Or is it you just need some one to run after to kick all the time... ;)
Is your life that bad at home you need to come here and continually harass people?
No matter how mundane the topic...
Is this the only way you can fulfil your fantasies about dominance over others?
Makes you feel like your the better man?
Or does it just frustrate you to know that there are others out there that can lead better than those you cast your votes for and this is your own little way of exacting revenge on the world for the shortcomings you seem to feel all the time. As I have heard Moosie state on occassion, is it you have your own "little" shortcomings physically and this is how you can rectify or think you can rectify this problem.... Just a few little questions for you. I know you figure every one else has to answer every question that is posed by some one else... Here are a bunch for you to answer and you don't even have to look them up so you can cut and paste miles of stuff taking up Moosies band width with things people won't or usually don't read....
Gunner what was it that Christ said to the crowd preparing to stone the adultress? Think maybe there might be a Democrat among those pointing fingers at Ryan who need to clean up their own acts? Maybe the Democrats' time would be better served buying that ex-President's truthful :rolleyes: book and adding to his retirement coffers.

How about you just keep your thoughts and your mouth shut...

Oh, and Paws...does your moderator status work two ways? or did you not read elkchsrs jibberish.
Yes Buzz I did read it and while it didn't make an awful lot of sense to me I did note that it came after ElkGunner's post calling him Elkcheese. ElkGunner loves to antagonize folk and push buttons to see what reactions he can get out of them in my humble opinion. Maybe he shouldn't have chimed in with his name calling; it does get old. I am not going to permit my personal preferences to weigh in on my duties as Moderator. I think you must agree that it would be improper. Any action I take as a Moderator will be taken using the written guidelines as the standard. I will strive to be like MarS. Not both ways my friend; all ways.

I find it humorous that you dont like the name calling, and you claim to understand just about everything...

Yet, when you read about all the "house cleaning" that needs to be choose to take it upon yourself to continue to attack elkgunner.

I'm all for letting people say ANYTHING they want...just dont cry when you get back what you dish out.

You and everyone else is safe from me editing your posts, I've moved beyond third grade and hall monitors. I dont give a shit what anyone thinks of my ideas, my morals, my job, my ethics or whatever. Its all about security...and theres a few security issues running around here lately.

If you dont like something Gunner posts, dont read it and dont reply...I think we'd all appreciate that.
Some would, some wouldn't, the same goes for every one that posts down here.
I can tell you for certain, there is no crying here...

I didn't post it as a personal attack any way, only stated as a question, I know you are so used to reading only personal attacks in what is written, but not all posts are meant as such...

I also see it as very legitemate questions, I know the answer to what he really wants, and to a point you also.
I could be very much mistaken and corrected. I have no problem with that. If corrected as an adult and not in condecending, demeaning manner. Easy enough....
Elkchsr, come on now, how is someone supposed to:

1. See anything but a slam in this.
2. Respond to it?

You said, "is it you have your own "little" shortcomings physically and this is how you can rectify or think you can rectify this problem"

How about you ask yourself that question and then post your answer...

Like I said, I dont really care what you say, what gunner says, or what anyone else has to say. You can call me any name you want, make fun of my job, make fun of where I live, etc. etc. etc. I couldnt give a shit less.
No, I am not going there, and if you don't mind about what others say to you, then it's on you, the quote you reference was made by me, but taken out of context. ;)

As I have heard Moosie state on occassion, is it you have your own "little" shortcomings physically and this is how you can rectify or think you can rectify this problem
There is the full quote.

He doesn't have to answer any of the questions,
I suppose I coulda/shoulda asked the questions and then went a little farther...

Your all over the board on how you would like me to act or behave, short of seeing me leave and not come back (which won't happen), what is it you really want...

There, an amendment or clarification that should work...

Why don't you just edit when I type "Elkcheese", and then all will be better. And then you can go in and edit Elkcheese's attacks. See, then you can be impartial and fair.

You have to admidt, he didn't have a clue on this thread, and his comments afterward continue to show as much, as even you agreed.
Gunner, why don't you just stop calling him Elkcheese? I have not observed him calling you names. I'd rather not censor if you don't mind. I'd rather not have to. :(
I still don't look at what I asked as out of line, nor do I see it as an attack, I am again asking....
"What is it you would like to see from me down here?"
Except for my opinions, I have stated the things I have changed to get along, but that just doesn't seem to be enough, because you still try and find the smallest of things to come onto me with.

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