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Deer from a few Years Ago.


Active member
Dec 6, 2004
I was looking through a bunch of my pictures and decided that this one was worth sharing. I had a late season cow tag 4 years ago and saw this buck while I was looking for elk. He is probably the biggest that I have seen. Anyway feel free to guess his score, but he was pretty far away so I don't have any great pictures of his forks. He is a great typical though, I don't remember any cheaters, and didn't get my cameral out until he was a ways off. Anyway enjoy the pic.


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nice buck scott, I remember tony and you showing me that pic at Gart Bros'. Awesome deer!
Did you hear about the opening weekend tony? It was a joke. Wyoming Game and Snake said that deer numbers are down in that region 50 percent... and I asked the guy 50 percent to what? And he didn't answer me LOL. They need to limit the resident hunting, sad to say but its got to be done. I know thats not the only solution but its a start. biggest buck to come through the check station as of sunday afternoon was 26" wide. thats a little decieving too as someone could of killed a whopper and been staying up there with rest his camp till the hunt was over....
The funny thing about it is that we saw deer every day. Just the quality of bucks was gone. All the big guys are getting shot before they get big. Honestly making a draw area wont be bad, but there are other factors. Drought, predation, and invasion of winter grounds by the all of the exploration for natural gas. See what G and F does about it.
sounds like the opening weekened was ugly for everyone! Yeah i would belive it about the quality of deer anymore. I talked to Travis and he said they say a shit ton of elk and a ton of does too but nothing to tell a story about. I guess u would have to be lucky like me and draw a deer tag.

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