NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Curious on your thoughts on this subject.

I think it's a very bad idea. Not because of the issue of shooting from the air, but because A. they remove the game and fish proffessionals from the equation of predator control; and B. the stated objective the aerial shoots is to "increase the moose harvest by hunters". That will likely wind them up in Federal Court and put an end to wolf hunting altogether...


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-18-2003 21:56: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
interesting on the control idea and I can understand that. Very good point. The way its supposed to work as far as I understand it is the state offers permits to certain people who register or whatever. I doubt very much guides can get a permit to make money etc. Whoever gets a permit will have to report back to fish and game with the kill(s), kinda like sealing a bear, they want to know exactly where it came from, etc...
I think the reason the gov is signing this bill is to 1) keep the locals off his back about pred control 2) pretend hes trying to help out while saving money. I personnally cant see this bill actually happening. The board is so worried about how people and tourist feel that they could give a rats ass about people who live in the bush and need to put meat on the table.

It chaps my butt when they say they are doing it for hunting. If they were to say its for subsistance hunting for locals only, OK. I think they could have worded it better. As far as I'm concerned they can close down the hunting season for a couple of years except by permit for locals(of that area) only. Something has to be done to get the moose numbers up, if this doesnt work, they are gonna have to figure another way.

Of course this is just my opinion.
Shoot em?
Just trap em and sending to us .
Whats wrong with you people ,you know the wolf wont have any effect on game animals.
If you people in alaska would be more in-tune
with your warm fuzzy side you might be able to get along with all those cute little predators.


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