Yeti GOBOX Collection

Cost of processing


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2013
North Dakota
We have always done our own processing of meat. My father use to cut deer up for people when I was little as a side job. I have talked him into trying to start it up again. His job is seasonal so it would be perfect. I was just wondering what everyone pays to get it done out there. I know a few people around my area that do it and their prices seem steep. Also what would you like to see done as far as services. We are most likely going to stick with just the skinning and deboning of the animals. Cutting steaks and roast along with white wrapping it. I do not want to really get into making sausage for people it is time consuming. We do have a big enough set up to do it but I don't want to mess with the whole thing.

What I had thought for services to offer

Skin and debone with the cutting of steaks and roasts and white wrapping it

Grind and package burger in bulk or in 1-2 LB bags

Possibly making patties this would depend on the amount of animals we get.

We are not out to make a mint just a little bit of money to put towards hunts in the future. What would you guys pay for each service or what do you currently pay? My uncle shot a average sized white tail buck this fall with the skin and debone and he took it to a local meat market for sausage he was just shy of $400. For that money I will buy beef.

I just wanted to get some insight to what everyone pays or would be willing to pay.
I won't pay anyone because in two years of investing in quality equipment, its already paid for itself. That said...
1. Be mobile: you come to me, charge $50 or whatever for the drive I think you will have lots of takers. of course you would have to have a setup that allowed you to do that.
2. What makes you unique? What do you do that the others don't? I look for that kind of thing to set apart a business from the crowd.
3. Check your local market. What costs $100 in ND but only $50 in FL generally doesn't matter. If they charge $100 in ND, and you're willing to do it for $90, then bob's your uncle.
No I understand what someone pays in a different state will be different here. I just wanted an idea of what people are paying and what they are actually paying for as far as services. And I agree I will never pay someone to do our meat, not knowing if you are getting your own and just simply the cost of it. But we have all the equipment and the time and skills to do it and there is a demand for a reasonable priced services. Some people like to hunt but don't know how or don't want to spend the time processing. We can easily skin debone cut steaks and roasts and wrap in under an hour no problem. I just wanted to see what people out there actually pay for or what they would like to see done for services.
I rarely pay for processing. The cost of a couple years of processing pays for the home gear.

Last I remember for $80-100 a guy could get a deer or antelope processed (burger, steaks, roasts type cuts). Specialty sausage and jerky add an additional $3-8/lb with minimum orders. I like the mobile idea but remember processing game may require some sort of clean room and inspection (no idea of that law). Also if your dad hunts he can basically kiss his seasons goodbye. White paper wrapping is good if done right, my abilities are nowhere near as good as those of the last processor.

In the end, possible major expense for equipment, inspection(s), commercial licenses (?), hassle of gutshot/poorly handled animals I would think it wouldn't be worth the hassle.

Addition: I think the cost of adding pork or beef fat would need to be factored if requested...maybe $10 per animal?
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I usually (as in NEVER) pay to have meat processed, but this year, I was in a bind with 4 antelope needing cut up, and me needing to be hunting Elk in a trophy unit.

So, I dropped the 4 antelope off. And had a $540 bill to pick them up. I think the total was about 160lbs of antelope quarters on the rail on the way in.

I think he was $75 each animal for cut/wrap with steaks and hamburger. Everything vacuum sealed and lableld. Looks really nice.

Breakfast sausge (that was REALLY good) was an additional $3.25/lb. (I think this is robbery, but, this is the most enjoyed meat of the animals, so far).

Pepperoni was something like $10/lb. Outrageous, but, his product was really good. Somehow, he gets a lot of smoke flavour into it. Never had anything quite like it.

The guy is absolutely SLAMMED with people bringing him (he has 6 employees) game, plus what custom butchering they do for local beef and pigs. He had to quit taking wild game as his coolers (he has a couple extra semi trailers/ refer units) were full.

Now, I am at a loss what to do next year. The guy is a poor communicator, his service is slow, they lost some boxes of meat for a few weeks, they are 140 miles from where I live.....

But, the product they put out is superior to any other processor I have used, and I didn't have to stand there for hours, cutting and wrapping meat.
Here, a standard processing is around $100 bucks. I think that is steaks, roasts and grind-but I am not positive. That is not including any extra stuff like adding fat or whatever, sausage etc., as far as I know.

I have done all of my own for years, but have started doing some jerky and summer sausage for friends, due to their response to the quality of stuff that I have given as gifts in the past.

I charge 5.50/pound dry weight for jerky and $60 a batch for summer sausage. I use the Cabela's jerky and sausage mixes, as they are the best that I have found. I may boost the jerky price a little next year, as the cheapest commercial stuff that I have found is around $17-18/pound. At these prices a make enough to make it worth my time, but it is no windfall for sure.

I would do a skin and basic process for $65, but no cheaper. There is a lot of work that goes into processing and lots of people that complain about prices, do not realize how much effort and time it takes.

Paying for equipment is not an issue for me, as I have had the equipment for years and it has paid for itself at least 50 times for the amount of animals that I have done just for myself.

Processors here won't even do jerky, so if you can figure out a price that you can live with, this may be a niche for you-if you can turn out a good product. I prefer the Cabela's peppered jerky mix above all others.

A lot of this depends on what you have to do to be in line with your local laws, ordinances etc., too.

If you have any specific questions, just pm me and I will try to answer them for you.
I think in my area (MN) people charge in the neighborhood of $125 for skinning and cutting / wrapping - no frills type of processing. Not 100% sure on the cost because I butcher my own usually. I've seen signs advertising this service- usually smaller places doing something similar to what you are wanting to do
Here in PA I believe a whitetail runs around $80-$125 for no frills. I had a wild boar done for $75 about 10 years ago. I know its a lot of work but I honestly believe that a lot of people who have animals processed are looking for the special stuff: Jerky, summer sausage, sausage, snack sticks, etc... I think in order to be successful without offering specialties you should try to be a few bucks cheaper, faster, better customer service, etc...

I think it's also important to advertise and get the word out in the local community. I know personally sometimes it is hard to know who to go to, who is still in business, etc... Put up signs, craigslist ads, pass around flyers or business cards at local shops, gun clubs, whatever.
We pay 96.00 for general processing, includes skinning/deboning steaks/roasts/chops etc. Grind is .10 plus .20-.30 for whatever fat you want added. Ive started getting my own processing equipment together since we're taking more game but for a 1-2 Deer season when I factored my time it was worth the 150.00 avg to drop a deer off and pick it up all packed to just dump in the freezer. This year we took 9 Deer so it seemed prudent to invest in my own equipment and I also enjoy the process.
If I was to do it as a side line I would take a little different approach to pricing my services versus comparing cost to what others charge. I would decide what I had to charge per man hour for my time, equipment and overhead. You are going to have to estimate your time to skin, debone, grind, wrap etc. and then calculate your pricing from there. After getting your time estimates and processing costs firmly established you could reevaluate your fees.
You need to try and differentiate yourself with your service if possible. In a lot of places actually getting back the animal that you killed will be enough to get people through the door. Processing one animal at a time and not getting commingled meat is another. I wouldn't drive around either, get a place and make people come to you.
I think I paid $225 for a elk got steaks and chops vacuumed sealed, some ground into hamburger and then a ton of sausage made.
Man you guys are livin large, grant it I do my own so not totally positive on price but from what I have heard from guys at work here in WA looking $200 range for deer and 3-4 for elk depending on sausage and what not.

That said I think the sausage making would add a lot for most guys. I do breakfast sausage and brats mainly but doesn't seem to take too much longer but does add to time. Besides that would look at what butcher market in your area pays I know last time I was in SD it was waaayyy cheaper then out here in WA. We got 4 deer done for 200 bucks and a case of bud light.
In Austin we have an old German meat market that will process the deer for around $90.00 which includes vacuum sealing. You pay extra for the fat to add to the ground and I like the jalapeno cheese sausage which will add another $3.00 per pound and I usually get around 15 lbs. per whitetail. We can take 4 deer so the costs can add up. I've processed my own before and it is a ton of work and I can never make the sausage taste as good as the German meat market.
I've got a friend that process WAY over a thousand a year........and I'm not telling where I'm from and doxxing him. He charges $25.00 just to skin if it's already field dressed. I'm standing there when he tells a customer, the customer says that's the best money I've ever spent and walks out the door. He turns around and tells me, and that's the easiest money I've ever made. There's no telling how many hundred a year he charges $25.00 apiece just to Jerk the hide off.

Processing is a luxury and if your going to do it, you don't need to sell yourself short.
I worked at my uncles shop on the side for years near San Antonio, prices vary considerably on what u get done. I opened my own shop for a while on the side also; I'm a firefighter n have a schedule that allows me to do this, like said before, need to do something that sets you apart. I only accepted small numbers of animals; mainly from other firefighters, so I could customize spice blends and orders to each costumer. I hand ground my own spice mixes. It was fun but got way too busy n started to cut into my family n outdoor time so I stopped it. I would charge for basic (boning, steaks, ground, vacuum sealed) $100. From there it went up; skinning, caping, sausage (wtvr kind), jerky, salami, etc.
I process 12 - 15 whitetail a year minimum so I am in the same boat as I do my own, but a buddy just got back a hog and a deer the hog was $45 the deer was $55 no frills. The deer was a set price the hog was a range 0-75# $45, 76#-125#=$55, 126#-200#=$65, 200#+ =$75.
If a person just wants to do a limited amount a year to help pay for their equipment and not get completely overwhelmed, you should see if there is any homeless shelters in the area or other volunteer organizations that would want the meat.

Some people don't really want the meat they kill. Charge a $50.00 processing charge to drop the animal off and their meat goes to charity.

You would need to talk to your accountant but there could be some good tax deductions also, especially if you can deduct the value of the processed meat in addition to your equipment.

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