Yeti GOBOX Collection

CO Monster

Word is DIY, public land hunter. Western Slope.

Oak? C'mon you gotta know something. The antlers are at a taxi in Grand Junction.
are you talking about the muley? I saw a pic of a huge buck. antlers kind of look like a smaller version of the spider bull
I wanna see a picture with the rack on a dead deer... You shoot one that big and don't take any hero photos??? Bs....
I've seen discussion on green score of 311 gross and 308 net. Amazing animal. The only "hero" shots Ive seen thus far is the animal's head/cape sitting in the back of a truck (one pic on the tool box, the other on the tailgate).

I hate it when you guys do this.

What did he say? What did he say?


The picture I posted is the same shot found on the link. Head on tailgate with tag.

Did you follow the link I provided? No hero shots, it's caped & tagged though.

On that link, as the pictures are scrolling through there is a picture of that buck on top of a toolbox/gas tank in the back of the pickup.