NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Cats and Dogs


New member
Jan 16, 2001
Rigby, ID USA
Anyone out there know anyone who runs cats in the eastern to central Idaho area. What should it cost if the only service was the dogs and the owners know how, no room/board etc. If anyone provides this service or know folks that do, please pass it on.


Shoot straight..............

Elkchaser-I think Moosie knows somebody with dogs. It may be hard to find an outfitter to do a deal like that, just because it costs so darn much to keep the licence and the dogs, but you can give it a whirl. Might be easier to find someone who has dogs that arent an outfitter, to do this for ya, but if money exchanges hands it is called illegal outfitting so be careful there too! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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You might ask the outfitters. I had talked to some outfitters that offered to take me on a different deal. If they had a guy tag out early or some time in between hunts they would slip me in. I had one guy say he would call me at work if he found tracks. I never did go but the price for these were several hundred dollars less than a week long hunt. Ron
Idaho Ron-Did they ever call ya? Several hundred less than a week long hunt?? How much less? Therte have been times where we filled out early and I found more tracks and wished I would have had someone on call!!!!! I have found with on call hunters, tht havent paid anything down, they are always busy when ya find tracks. Kinda makes no sense to look for tracks if the person is busy anyway. Wasted money!!! Once a person pays a deposit, you can count on them coming. This is the difference between the talkers and the doers!!!!! Just my experiance with on call hunters, that havent annied up!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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I never got that far but a friend of mine was a "on call" and got a cat hunt, and the cat for 1500. That was 3 years ago. The on call guy I was talking to here was 1800. I was just too busy to do it. Ron
Bcat, I have found exactly the same thing with on call hunters.Two seasons ago I had several on call bear hunters.I had several clients take bear the first day.Great right?Call another hunter for the rest of the week.NEVER happened.Everyone was always busy.I heard it all.If it would have been last week or next week etc......
Even this year with as low a price as I have for bear hunts this year it is running the same way with phone calls.Everyone calls and is all excited about going this fall.I call them 2 weeks later asking about the deposit and things are different now.No money,might not have the time,etc...
I think next year I will go up to normal prices for this area and go to some sporting shows.Sounds like there are a lot more serious hunters there and you can take deposits right there.The only guys I have for sure this year are 2 repeats from the last 2 years.Both wicked nice guys that I am looking forword to getting together with.
Bcat, do you think where I dont charge as much as some big outfits people are a little shy?Its funny.I go up and take hunters for an outfitter who is charging twice what I do and the clients are happy to pay it.
Basicly George I think most people believe that they get what they pay for and I believe it to be true for the most part in our business!! Most of these elcheapo hunts are just about that. I know you run a quality hunting business, and are just underpriced, but alot of the time there is a reason for the low prices, at least out west!!! I sent a couple people your way, for bear hunts have they called ya yet? I know a guy that was doing elk hunts for 1500 bucks..... He got busted for several violations including not enuff guides for the hunters he had in the wilderness, shooting a bear off the road, and shooting a sow and three cubs a couple years before that!!!!! Needless to say hes outta business!!!! Ya just cant do it right , without spending a little more, thus it costs a little more!!!! Out here anyway!!!! Ron ya missed out on a cheap lion!!!! I bet if you would have annied up for the on call thing you wouldnt have been too busy!!!
I think the question was asked who to get ahold of by elkchaser!!!!! If you dont know anybody, Elkchaser i bet Moosie would help ya find someone in that area!!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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[This message has been edited by bcat (edited 02-19-2001).]