Check this out...
my father in law's friend photographed this 63 year old grandma, Bella in 1953, with her WORLD record Grizzly!!! She paralyzed it with one shot to the head with a single-shot .22 and kept shooting until it stopped moving... The skull scored over 25 inches and I think it weighed close to 1200 pounds (oops, I meant 1203 12/16)
So, when you're tellin' stories, remember that you got your ASS kicked by a little old lady...
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-05-2002 21:03: Message edited by: mtnboy ]</font>
So, when you're tellin' stories, remember that you got your ASS kicked by a little old lady...
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-05-2002 21:03: Message edited by: mtnboy ]</font>