Cabelas T.A.G.S vs. Self


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Hi, I'm new to this forum and am just looking to get some information from anyone willing to help me out. I'm from Mississippi and I'v never been out west on any type of hunt. This next year my brother and I would love to do a public land hunt for pronghorn or mule deer. I'v started looking into what it takes to apply for tags and the reallity of actually getting drawn for a tag.

My questions are:
1. Should I apply for tags myself or go through Cabelas?
2. What state is the easiest to get a tag in? We are looking for the experience of coming out west and doing a spot and stalk type hunt in open terrain. We would love the opportunity to take a decent animal but maily just looing for the first time experience.

Thanks, and any information is helpful because like I said this is all new to me
A lot of people “do it themselves” , but any mistake, even a minor one can cause your application to be rejected.
There are a lot of “tag application services” and of all of them, Cabelas has the WORST reputation that I know of. Pick another.
I believe it was last year when Cabelas sent all the Arizona applications in late, getting all of them rejected. Thousands of people who had been spending money building points in Arizona not only lost their chance for that year, but lost their loyalty points and got backed up by a year in the points race.

IF I was to use a service, I would probably use Garth Carters.

One of the big benefits of using a service is the advice they give you about picking a unite. I wouldn’t trust Cabelas advice. Carters advice has always been very good in my opinion.
Go to the WY Game and Fish website and start doing some reserch, print off a set of the regulations and read them while you're in the john... once you read them from to back a couple times you'll have it down. Don't waste your money and pay someone to do something you can do yourself. DIY is just that in my opinion. You need to read and understand the hunting regulations anyway, might as well spend the 10 minutes it will take to figure out the drawing process while you're at it. With the advent of the internet application process the days of fugging up your application have pretty much been taken care of. When in doubt ask a question, and double check your application.

WY has the easiest to draw antelope and deer tags if you want a combo hunt, otherwise I'd look at CO if you want a muledeer. MT has decent draw odds for lope but tough for deer as a NR.

Applications will need to be sent in soon for WY, I think its the end of February if I remember right. So you have lots of time to get aquainted with the process. MT is mid March for deer/elk, and June for Antelope, and CO is around the first of April.
Depends what you need them to do for you. If you need a service to "float" the tags fees for you then Cabelas TAGS might be the option for you. If you are only looking for reliable service fillining out the app, selecting a unit, then Carters would be the option I would chose. They do not, as far as I know, front the money for you. Personally, I used TAGS many years ago while I was in college to float the tag fees for me. Once I was out and able to afford the tags I did them myself. Honestly, I think part of the fun is the research and application process. I've never screwed one up, just take your time. If you need help/advice, then OYOA Hunttalk is there for you.

Good luck
Just do it yourself. Part of that means hanging around on sites like these...getting some info and then going for it. Cabelas is good for shopping and I'd leave it at that.
I apply all over the west and found the Huntin Fool excellent in that it gets you up to speed quickly. This is especially important if your applying in multiple states as they are all different. I also enjoyed the OYOA website and found it very helpful for draw strategies. Thanks BIG FIN!

You mentioned Wyoming for antelope and mule deer. A buddy and I did an antelope hunt there unguided and drew tags with zero points. I believe it was unit 48. Check it out if you want a non-trophy tag this year.
The only way I would consider using an application service is if they front the money! That would be handy for things like BHS in NM! Wife doesn't like writing a $3K check for an applicaiton.
As mdhunter stated, this would be very useful in applying in muoliple states or if you have a specific type of hunt and goal in mind.

This has also bee useful in getting all of the paperwork correctly. I know a friend who went as a group to MT for Antelope this year. He was fined by the game warden for not having his conservation stamp.

As sweetnectar said, if you are doing one state for 1 or more species, you can probably! do it yourself. Just ask all the questions!
I won't be doing Cabela's but I do hope to be putting in for UT and CO points this year...I might need help from the peanut gallery. I've mastered: WY (easy), OR (in 10 years I'll ghave a honey of a hunt!), WA (because I just moved here) and MT (because I've never drawn anything). Is there a step-by-step thread for applying to certain states? Are there any states that I'm missing?
You should get a subscription to the Huntin Fool. You won't (shouldn't) miss a state or deadline.
Huntin' Fool (Carter's) and Western Hunter (Chris Denham) will provide you the best "no worry" service around or as previously mentioned, become a member of both mags. They partner very well together, especially if you are researching units to hunt yourself.
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