Bow hunt 10/03/o7


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
I hunt this property where I dove hunt goose hunt and shotgun hunt deer season but I have never hunted the area durring bow season. Since I have a good understanding of the property and the time was right I took the bow out yesterday late with a good place in mind to set up.

The farmer cut a 600 acre corn field back to the power lines and left about 300 acres standing. there is a 1/2 mile 100 yard wide strip of hard woods jutting out into the field I'm hunting. The power line divides the woods with a 50 yards opening of heavy thickets.
I set my stand in a tree at the juncture of the power lines the cut and uncut field.
Perfect placement. I 1st saw a doe out in the middle of the cut corn about sunset and she entered it. The 2 more came ac cross and cut through the path going through the thickets of the power line about 30 yards. The I pick up a little noise from a squarrel about 50 yards down the wood line and 10 minutes later I have a big body corn and soy bean fed buck walk right behind me 10 yards with my wind in his face avg. size 8 point but I know there is a big rack here from the farmer seeing him the day befor while combining corn. as I turn back from watching the 8 point walk from the hard woods into the thicket I hear a noise beside the standing corn and the hard woods. Don't know what it was but I hope it wasn't the big guy.

I will get another hunt in on Saturday.
looking forward to the pics!
I'm hopeing to get some of a big buck down LOL

This 1500 acre club is great not one bow hunter in the club LOL except me.
how many in the club?
you seeing any scrapes yet?....I found some on saturday.
I got to get my cams set up!
there are 8 of us.

I am seeing some but not allot. The buck yesterday evening stopped and made a rub 10 yards from my stand.

I can take a guest if you would like to join me one evening for a bow hunt.
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