PEAX Equipment

Black Bear encounters!!!


New member
Aug 14, 2001
X - Out bow huntin' in muley country when out of the corner of my eye, I catch this huge round black mug, starin' at me from a cliff top 50 yards up. I've seen eight blackies in the last two weeks no shooters, until now... I now know what the KING of the MT. looks and act like (350++ lbs) I have a rifle, but I want him with the bow, so I circled back up and around the cliff... hear him 60 yards in the bushes moanin' and growling as he thrashed a stump apart... frig, forgot my deer call...back at the truck...too thick to go in after him...couldn't hear over my heart beat!...I had the wind, so I waited where the forest opened a show >>> What would you have done???

XX - About a week later, I'm back home at the edge draw with the remnants of an old overgrown orchard...waiting for whitetail (or bear)...fully camo'd crouched in a bush 30 yds from the main trees...hear something coming in sloowwwwwly from the other side (a deer)...not much light left...stalk around to meet it comin' in...half way there and it's already in the bushes in the orchard just below me...don't have the wind - figure I'm keeps comin' toward me in bushes - 4 ft. high - I get up on a 2' rock ready to's a Bear!! keeps comin' - 10 yard...5 yards...3 yards...I hear another "little noise" behind it >>> Mom & cubs... oh oh I don't want to hafta shoot it...I fumble for the bear banger around my neck but it's too close to shoot it at it - I shoot it straight stops...silence...I hauls a$$ ~ ~ ~ groaning and the cubs high tailer after Mama... whew!! Still don't have my roast or rug, but the rush...almost as good as...! Mabey next time I'll have the balls to test the pepper spray...

I'd rather be out there!
Mt^Boy >>> Photo shots...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 25 September 2001 20:19: Message edited by: mtnboy ]</font>
Got to love the rush!
Here is what I would have done in the first situation..
I would have placed my thumb and index finger to my lips and sucked...or sucked the back of my hand. Makes great squeaking sounds.

I have done this on coyotes and deer, and have even shot a big 3pt blacktail this way.
Thanx RW! I didn't even think of that - I ran back to the truck eventually, but never heard him again... I'll practice that for next time!
GOOD suggestion River.. The second time I would have Sqweezed my ARSH cheeks together and CHit my pants :D :D

Been waiting to See my bear but NO luck yet Bro.... If I don't get one in the next couple of weeks to mount.. I'll have to Mount a SHEEP :eek: :eek:


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