Best Time of Day to Call


New member
Aug 5, 2014
Hey all

I am going out tonight/tomorrow for a DIY elk hunt. My 2 questions are. 1) What is the best time of day to try to call in elk, 2) What would be a better, an elk bugle call or a cow call?

Thanks for your help.
Age old question. Generally speaking, elk are most active early morning and late in the evening. A good rule of thumb is to mimic the elk you're hearing. If there's a bull going crazy, it could mean there are some hot cows and if you're intruding on his cows, he may be willing to fend you off. If you see a lone bull (or other elk) cow calling is generally better. Good luck on your hunt.
I use locate bugles all day. I've had elk answer at about every hour of the day. Calling them in is another story. I listened to a bull bugle yesterday for about three hours straight. I doubt he moved more than 100 yards from his bed during that time, but the point is now you know where he's at.

I've also had bulls answer a cow call at random times during the day, including the hottest portion of the day "when the elk don't talk". Elk talk when they want to and it doesn't matter what time or what temperature. I sat in the cliffs above a bull on a hot (85 plus degrees) day one year early in September and listened to him bugle every hour from eleven AM to dusk.
A bull is most vulnerable when he first gets out of his bed. I found the best time to call was early evening...
Of course that's just like my opinion man.
1) What is the best time of day to try to call in elk

At night (check local laws and regulations first). Obviously you can't hunt them at night, but a midnight recon session, followed by sleeping in the woods can make for an epic morning hunt.
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