Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Baby black bear hit by car is recuperating nicely

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
A baby black bear is adjusting to her temporary home at a rehabilitation center after being hit by a car early last week.

The 36-pound female cub, about 5 months old, is recovering at Idaho Black Bear Rehab Inc. in Garden City.

She was discovered by Garden Valley resident Duane Lavely after midnight July 18 while he was driving north on Idaho 55 near Horseshoe Bend.

The cub apparently was hit by a car on the highway. She had a broken leg, a dislocated hip, a dislocated and fractured elbow and a large laceration on one leg.

Sally Maughan, who runs the black bear rehabilitation center, said she moved the cub from her original 5-foot enclosure Thursday because the cub was chewing on the wire that kept the door closed.

The bear's new enclosure is made of chain link and is 35 feet by 45 feet. When Maughan checked on the cub Friday morning, she was tucked into a hollow log eating grapes. Maughan said the bear cried throughout the day.

"I think she was probably just missing her mom and hollering to see if she'd answer," Maughan said.

Mother and cub were separated after the accident. Lavely said he saw the mother bear climbing up a hill, and the cub was on the other side of the road, trying to move, but dragging her leg.

Lavely initially took the cub to the Animal Emergency and Referral Center of Idaho. The center treated the cub's injuries and released her into Maughan's care Tuesday afternoon.

Lavely set up an account at D.L. Evans Bank to help with the bear's recovery costs. Maughan said it costs between $850 and $900 to rehabilitate a bear.

No information on the progress of the fund-raising effort was available Friday or Saturday.

In December, Maughan hopes to transport the cub to a den in Central Idaho, where she can begin hibernation.

"They're pretty resilient," Maughan said. "I have no reason to think she won't be fine."

Some will agree and some will despise me but I don't understand spending a red cent on a wild animal that isn't rare or threatened and will cost alot more to tax payers than the $850-$900 dollars claimed.

The bear should have been humanely dispatched at the scene and forgotten about. Sad, but it happens.


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