attention JASON LEE...

You might want to post at Fireside to get his attention to look here. I haven't seen Jason on much the last few dyas. I know he is real busy with work bu the checks in when he can.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
If I remember right, Jason Lee went bear hunting with a friend or friend of a friend. He was not a guide at the time.

Jason must be busy in FL.


"When a man lies he murders some part of the world"

Cliff Burton
Sorry guys had to high Jack a pc.....been moving across the country and into a new house so life is hectic...oh yea been working 12 hour days too

I went with a friend that is trying to get his guide license.
He is a hound hunter and always looking for a shooter.
If your interested I can hook you up with him.
I know he cant charge money because he doesnt have a guide license, but I gave him a new 45-70 and he sure appreciated it.

He has some great hounds and runs with a few other guys that have a few great hounds too.

If your interested let me know.

Sorry it took so long to reply but my life is very hectic right now.....

later Guys