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Arizona, Navajo Reservation units?


New member
May 18, 2015
West Haven, Utah
Hi All,
Just a quick question for you all.. I am currently going to put in for the Res because I am A Navajo myself, BUT what my question is, I have never hunted AZ. Not really familiar with the area a whole lot, but wanting to get some info if any of you have any! We've done a some research, but wanting to know more so we are not blind going into it! I will only be putting in for general tags until I am more familiar with AZ.



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What exactly are you looking for? Non Native's can't hunt the reservation without paying lots of money. So unless someone else on here has expierience hunting the res your'e probably not going to get much info
Don't worry. If you are not a tribal member and resident on the res, you will have to hire a Navajo guide. They will know where to go. There are some areas around Window Rock that hold some nice deer.
Recon_Doc I was hoping for some Natives, Non-Natives, whomever really has experience that were a little familiar with the reservation! I'm looking into putting in for Unit 11, or 12.

From the looks of it, nobody really can help me.. Bummer
I am a girl.... FYI. Lol,

Danr55, I am not a resident, but with me being a tribal member I can put in for general deer and elk tags for $47, trophy hunts for $310, and Once in a lifetime hunts for $25-$50.

I don't want to put in for the big stuff til I'm at least a little more knowledgeable of the area.. Haha. I have family on the reservation, just can't speak fluent Navajo. Which sucks!
Danr55, I am not a resident, but with me being a tribal member I can put in for general deer and elk tags for $47, trophy hunts for $310, and Once in a lifetime hunts for $25-$50.

I don't want to put in for the big stuff til I'm at least a little more knowledgeable of the area.. Haha. I have family on the reservation, just can't speak fluent Navajo. Which sucks!
Well, units 1 and 12 are the only units I am familiar with on the Navajo. They both hold some huge deer. Not a lot of deer, but the ones you find are generally big bodied with large spindly alters. Very typical high desert mule deer.
Well, units 1 and 12 are the only units I am familiar with on the Navajo. They both hold some huge deer. Not a lot of deer, but the ones you find are generally big bodied with large spindly alters. Very typical high desert mule deer.
Sweet, that gives me more of an idea. That helps more than you know! Also, what about the elk?? I drew just my general deer tag here, so I was leaning more toward elk, but will probably end up putting in for both!
I'll ask a local outfitter who is married to a tribal member and knows about hunts.I have no clue,but do veture around there some.I get NPR in DehNeh (sp)