Ariz. Requires Citizenship Proof to Vote

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Arizona has become the first state to require proof of citizenship when registering to vote, a measure that supporters say is intended to prevent voter fraud.

The law went into effect Tuesday after being approved by voters in November. It requires that people provide proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, when registering to vote and show specified forms of identification when casting a ballot at a polling place.

A civil-rights group and Democratic legislators recently had urged the Department of Justice (news - web sites) to reject the law. They argued the changes will erect barriers that will hinder minorities' participation in elections and hamper grassroots voter registration drives. .............
Ithaca that is our [prop 200] that was passed in November and withstood all of the court challenges [so far]....Thats why we are going to try "english only" next.....Many states give illegals free college tuiition.... right now Oklahoma is trying to stop that..... many states will be tryng differant ways thru state law to stop them or make life difficult for those "leaches"... The states are doing what the Feds refuse to do.

Ten[ prop200] might end up applying to Hunting and Fishing tags and licences. It aint over yet. :D :D
A civil-rights group and Democratic legislators recently had urged the Department of Justice to reject the law. They argued the changes will erect barriers that will hinder minorities' participation in elections and hamper grassroots voter registration drives.
More proof that I was right when I voted.
Good stuff, it's about time this type of stuff started coming in front of the voters...
Heard a lot of screaming from the politicians and threats of lawsuits from the Mexican government on Prop 200. Wonder how they would feel if we had a million illegals from Iran who were illegally voting to alter how the government is run? People in the border states are sick of paying the price with no federal support.
1_pointer said:
Just hope GW doesn't make good on his 'bright' amnesty idea...

I`m with you on this one 1pt....He has McCain/Kolbe/Flake all senators from AZ working on a "Plan". It will face "stiff' opposition but if it gets to him he will for sure sign it. Lets hope he [Bush] never gets the chance. :MAD
Sure glad I can't be blamed for this one! This was the deal breaker for me on Bush!
CJCJ- I agree with making people prove they are citizens before they vote. I don't understand why they haven't made it a national law. You have to be a citizen to vote, so when you register you should have to prove it. I am wondering about one thing though. How can you get worse than allowing all illegal immigrants instant citizenship?
Mattk......Bush does not call for instant citizenship [where did you get that?] But he is willing to let the illegals become citizens over a period of time and under "certain" conditions. [hidden amnesty] Bush says that illegals should not be rewarded foe breaking the law....but should have to wait in line [like others] here before them...

John Kerry in one of his speaches with "la-raza" Called for OPEN BORDERS and a 6 month waiting period for Amnesty !! far worse than GW Bush and his plan. Did you vote for John Kerry? And if it was about immigration "plans" then you made a very "big mistake"
Screw Mexico, John F'in Kerry, and anyone else who thinks they can strike a law that has been approved by voters just because they don't like it!!!!!! F*ck 'em all!!!!
Thanks for the link 2Fastnaz....Hopefully things like this will "wake up" all how serious this illegal immigration really is. The enemy has invaded this country with over 20 million...the Mexican Government is trying to control and dictate public policy. Even 40% of hispanic Americans are smart enough to see the complexity of the problems. But we still have plenty of liberals who think we need more diversity...and are against prop 200 and english only laws .. these people most likely would feed the neighbors while their own children starve.....Vincende Fox and his corrupt government have been screwing the U.S.A. for years and its just getting worse. Time for a "showdown"
cjcj...I lived in Arizona for 25 years and I feel your pain...just do like I did and move to Alaska...great hunting and fishing, no illegals...ok, so it gets a little cold sometimes, but on the bright side, no 100+ degree days EVER!!!
Alaska sounds like heaven Guppie9...i like the fact that there are no illegals...maybee when my wife retires.....she actually likes the summers down here i hate them 115 deg. days but she has to work for do have it made with the hunting/fishing no question.
everyone should have to prove citizenship to vote. it is ridiculous that it has taken all these years to start checking

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