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Anyone ever use a table saw to cut arrows?

I’m not proud of this duct tape jig, but it did work. Most of the cuts were reasonably square but still required a couple minutes on the squaring tool. I think a proper jig is in order for the next batch of arrows. Or pay the $.25 per arrow to have them cut.

I rigged up something very similar (minus the duct tape) and have done a bunch of arrows that way with no issues.
Got them cut square enough to suit me, they shoot fine.
^^^I'm sure it's a minimum $1 an arrow. Talk about a rip-off. lol
I think its fair. Somebody has to pull the order, take it to a cutting station, measure, cut, check square, and then go repackage it for shipping. I'm new to the archery scene but I feel like that is an honest rate...
I'd have to buy 300 arrows to break even doing it myself....
I have some carbon arrows coming that I need to cut. I usually use my demel tool and just use some scraps to make a quick jig. They don’t come out super square and I spend a good bit of time on the squaring tool.

I was planning on making a dedicated jig, but I realized that I already have a perfectly square crosscut sled that I use on my table saw. The idea popped in my head that If I put a cut off blade on the arbor I could just use my sled to cut the arrows very quickly and not need to put together anything.

Anyone ever try this?

Buy either one of these then charge your buddies .50 an arrow and pay for it in no time. Definitely worth the investment to get the right tool for the job. Zip tie a filter on the discharge chute to get the carbon dust.
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I cut my own carbon arrows on mitersaw (chop saw) a good sharp blade and no issues at all. Just as good as going down to the archery shop
Also for what's it's worth, I cut my arrows real long last year for free weight around 600 grains. I ended up wanting to go back closer to 520-540 so I needed to cut 4 inches off them. Being CX's halfout inserts I couldn't just go buy more and I'll be darned if that blue glue doesn't work real well. If you ever need to reclaim inserts chuck it up in a lathe and turn the carbon arrow off of the insert. Got all my arrows redone and glued back up
I’ve used a miter saw also (not sure exactly why 🤔), worked fine though. I did wrap each arrow with a piece of blue painters tape first.
I didn't wrap mine with tape, I did however put a sacrificial board under the arrow and between the arrow and fence to give it support and keep it aligned. I didn't have any splintering or tearout.
I made an arrow cutter with a piece of 1" x 4" plank. I made two L shaped pieces to hold the arrow shaft 1" above the plank. The shaft sits on the inside corner of the L pieces, with another piece at the end where the nock touches. It's pre-measured for my arrow length. On the cutting end, I made a channel/frame to hold my cordless dremel. I use a cut off wheel and done. I run it at medium speed, and spin the shaft as it's slowly cutting thru. Works like a charm and sorry, I don't have a pic.
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