Yeti GOBOX Collection

Antlers cut off and taken...West Mtn., ID

Well I guess there's always two sides to a story. Whatever the truth is, you're right Scott it is sad either way.
Get your info straight first

Muley Crazy said:
O K guys I just got a e-mail today from a fish and game buddy about this elk

here is his e-mail

Jindrich cited this guy(the guy who shot the elk) yesterday for hunt without a tag and archery permit , maybe unlawful possession. Messed up story....... his buddies took the rack while he Swickert was gone. One of the buddies who helped pack out the illegal elk was a last of "(I removed his name)" -officer with Boise city, Ada County or somewhere else. I've heard of him, you probably know him.

Is this gutting crazy or what ??? What a guy :BLEEP: :BLEEP:

Wow, interesting did you hear all the story or only get half the truth on this story? I'll let you know I think the Fish & Game officer didn't tell you all the truth. I was one of the buddies that helped this guy pack the bull out. Jindrich must not have any true friends if he thinks anyone he hunts with for over 7 years would steal a friends horns. I'd make sure never to hunt with the Fish & Game office!!!! If you want the whole story let me know and I'll give you the truth not the edited version of the Fish & Game!
doublelunger--fill us in with what you know---cuz things are sketchy to figure out what really happened---chris
All the Truth!!!!

We have all hunted together for 7 years, and all of us would take a bullet for the other guy. My buddy who shot the elk went in the night before & asked for his hunting license, deer tag, elk tag and archery stamp, amoung buying numerous items. The girl ran it all up stuck his tags in a pouch with string and handed it to him. The next day after he shoots his first elk ever, guts it skins it, quarters it, and capes the head, he goes to tag it and finds that the girl at the sporting goods office never gave him the elk tag. So yes we called fish & game which is closed on Saturaday & Sunday, so we went into town got an elk tag came back in the morning to pack it out and that is when we discovered someone had gotten in there before us , about a hour earlier and cut off the horns and removed the ivory teeth. We called Fish and Game again and left a message. It is an all day event to pack the meat out, this is no place you would ever shot a 4 point or smaller because it is a shit hole and by pack frame is the only way to get it out. We pack the meat out and attach the tag to the largest portion of the meat. Now here is how the truthfull hunter gets :BLEEP: . Lindrich the Fish and Game Officer calls my buddy up and tells him that they have recovered his rack and would like to give it back to him. He meets with the officer and he tells him the whole story again all true, he tickets my buddy, takes the meat and tells him he never had the rack and that more that someone else in his part had to have stolen the rack. If you hunt with a guy in archery it is a team sport, and if one guy kills it is as good as everyone killing. The Fish in Game Officer must not have any true friends and I'll I can wish for him is that someday he kills a great bull and someone steals it from him!!!!! Be truthfull and get he pile of shit. Did I mention that fish and Game looked up for the last several we always buy all our tags at once...deer, elk and tags and for $30 who would even want to poach. Now that is the true story and whoever cut and stole those horns, remember karma comes around and it is looking to :BLEEP: you!!!

DoubleLunger- That sounds like something the F&G would do, hopefully everything turns out for your buddy. I couldn't imagine how much that would suck to make an honest mistake and get :BLEEP: twice.
Doublelunger- I don't doubt your story but I do have a question. How did your buddy get a second elk tag or did he not get the first one? I don't know how it works in Idaho, but if I were to lose an elk tag, another would have to be issued by the fish and game. Ours is computerized and would show original purchase date accordingly. It's also my responsibility to make sure of the tags I've purchased and to make sure I have the tags I've purchased. It's a bad deal and mistakes are made but I wouldn't blame the fish and game for doing their job. I'd be pissed at myself more than anyone else or anything else. As far as the antlers go...they would have been taken by the fish and game along with the sounds like a costly mistake.
Double, I'm not so sure I fully understand what you're saying happened .
My buddy who shot the elk went in the night before & asked for his hunting license, deer tag, elk tag and archery stamp, amoung buying numerous items. The girl ran it all up stuck his tags in a pouch with string and handed it to him.

Did he ask for and pay for the elk tag and the girl just forgot to put it in the pouch? Was the elk tag still at the store?

so we went into town got an elk tag came back in the morning to pack it out and that is when we discovered someone had gotten in there before us , about a hour earlier and cut off the horns and removed the ivory teeth.

Do you mean he had never actually bought and possesed the elk tag, and so he went to town and bought an elk tag after killing the elk? Or did he just go back to the store and get the tag he had bought before hunting, but inadvertantly left it at the store when the girl forgot to put it in the pouch? Did he sign his license and put the archery tag on it and then hand it back to the clerk so she could put it in the pouch for him?

There's two possible scenarios. Did he actually buy the elk tag, and thru the clerk's mistake, leave it at the store? Or did he not buy the elk tag, even though he claims he told the clerk he wanted one? Which is it?

I have to agree with Gato that something sounds a little fishy, but maybe that's because we don't have all the details.
I can totally understand how Rob S. could have gotten short changed by the clerk---especially when buying a bunch of stuff it would be hard to total (dollar wise) everything up and see if something was missed and if he was in a hurry also that doesn't help as your mind is going everywhere at once---he doesn't need to sign the license and tag in front of the clerk does he??? if he doesn't then why would he check(he will check from now on I'll bet)to see if all was there(although he should've--hindsight)---so very easy to see how this could've happened at this point----but when he went to sign his license one would think he'd have noticed there was no elk tag----so this is where it can get sticky--did he know he didn't have an elk tag before he went out hunting or not until he shot the bull-- if he knew before hunting then he shouldn't have been elk hunting and he should've went back and got a tag, so he's guilty of charge---- but let's say he didn't sign the license until he pulled it out to tag the elk, even now it's not the end of the world---he could sign it right then--illegal yes, but good god it's a pretty minor thing IMO to not sign the license, but to not have the tag as expected would be a surprise for sure------ but the bottom line is he didn't have a tag for elk either way, so I can understand why the game warden wouldn't believe him, unless the guy is a nice guy and wants to go interview the clerk to see if this was a legit occurance and give Rob a break, but he doesn't have to, although because he called the game warden it seems his side of the happenings is legit, but really the game warden doesn't have to do anything but either ticket him or turn his head or do some investigative work, because bottom line is he didn't have the tag--sucks and it's a crappy deal all around----chris
JoseCeurvo: what I meant was that a guys elk rack was stolen, he may be in trouble with the fish and game, he may have or may NOT have done anything wrong but is in trouble with the fish and game. All of these things would really screw up a hunt by itself but to have one or all of them happen, would be a bad thing. I was not trying to judge the guy, it just sounded like this was going to get messy all the way around and after reading the rest of these posts I'd say it has.

OK here is how it works in ID when you buy a tag, put in for a tag,(even super tags and they are unlimited) buy a stamp, etc... EVERY THING is put into a computer and is tracked. So if a mistake is made it would of been very easy to pull up on the computer and see that the tag was bought the day before the elk was harvested. You can contact F & G and they will meet you some where and re issue a new one. Even on the weekends you just have to talk to any store clerk in Cascade (where the tag was said to of been bought from) I know this because we hit a deer in Cascade and we contacted F & G @ 9:00pm on a weekend, to tell them that we had gutted it and brought it into town for them to give to a needy family. (F.Y.I they said next time tie a marker on a tree and leave it where you hit it and they would go get it.)

It is the stores job to get the money to pay fish and game for the tags, the store can give them to you, and you not pay for them and the money comes from the stores till to make up for the mistake.

ID is made up of units in those units there is A tags and B tags A tags for archery and spikes, for most units and B tags for rifle tags, most units are any bull. 5 years ago you could just buy a elk tag and hunt any where you wanted and some people still don't like to have to hunt in just one area. So what they will do is hunt archery and if they shoot a bull they run down to the store and then buy there tag. If they have a general deer tag they are allowed to carry a bow in the woods so if they get checked they are legal.

Now if they don't shoot a elk they buy a rifle tag in the unit they want to hunt.

In law inforcement there are good cops and bad cops, cops that only see black and white and some have a gray area. I hunt with several F & G officers every year. I am not scared to hunt with or around them because I follow the rules to a T ( I could not live without a hunting license) I have had run ins with the black and white F & G they weighted all of my meet and had me open EVERY bag to show that I had brought out all of my neck and rib meet, (and I had) he was just doing his job he was not nice about it, but he was still doing his job. Do I care to hunt with him no, am i scared to have him check me NO.

Now is this guy cheating the true sportsman out of game?? something smells funny here:confused: I will make some phone calls and if he is cleared of any wrong doing I WILL BE THE FIRST TO POST THAT HE GOT A BAD BEEF!! If not sounds like Karma is working well here.
I dont know what the truth is in this whole story and am not going to comment one way or the other on that, but that being said something very similar (almost) occured to me this year I went down and was getting my tags told the feller behind the counter what i wanted then as i was looking through my tags (amazing that i did this but considering how i screwed up in other areas this year figured i had better pay close attention to detail) I discovered that the clerk had given me a whitetail (B)tag for 700 area insted of 404 like I asked for so we managed to get it cleared up before i left. Long story short check your tags before you walk away from the counter. Kinda like my bowstamp last year huh Bux.
How could you not know that you did not have your tag? I am absolutely paranoid about not having mine, and I check when I pack, check the next morning, and check several times throughout the day. I know that I would never even be in my truck heading out if my tag was not with me. Just my opinion.

I would hate to think that someone got hammered by game and fish if it was a mistake by the store clerk, but we also have a responsibility to check everything for accuracy and such. By what I have read above, it seems that it would have been easy to prove if he actually had a tag prior to the hunt.
Muley Crazy said:
OK here is how it works in ID when you buy a tag, put in for a tag,(even super tags and they are unlimited) buy a stamp, etc... EVERY THING is put into a computer and is tracked. So if a mistake is made it would of been very easy to pull up on the computer and see that the tag was bought the day before the elk was harvested. You can contact F & G and they will meet you some where and re issue a new one. Even on the weekends you just have to talk to any store clerk in Cascade (where the tag was said to of been bought from)

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. You have to go to F&G region headquarters to get a duplicate tag. Who ever told you that the F&G would send an officer out to your location to hand deliver a tag?
Sorry Canoe try again:p !! 2 years ago we were up north hunting whitetail and my buddy checked to make sure that he had his tag and he had left it at home. So we contacted F & G (on a weekend) and they meet us at the gas station and reissued my buddy a new tag. He had to sign a weaver stating that his old tag was not used.

You might be smarter to just read the post if your not sure as to what you are talking about.:D
Here in Alaska they write your tag #'s on the back of your license, so if you somehow lose your tag or misplace it you have proof that you did have one. Each species starts with it's own letter, ie, M06010575-K6, that would be a moose tag and sheep would start with an S, so on and so forth. I think this is a good way to keep track of your tags and for you to show proof that you did indeed have a tag. Also, all of our tags are free, except in certain area's you have to buy a $25 tag to hunt grizz.
"swikertrob" has been checking in on this thread frequently. I'm sure that he could clear the story up if he wants to.
My 2 cents... Before I even leave to go out to hunt.. the very 1st thing we do is make sure we have our tags and licence!... I check my wife and she checks me... tag/rifle/ammo..... everything else is not a big deal... you can buy it if you forgot it....I just don`t see how anyone could not look in the bag and check the tag/licence at least to see if everything is made out correctly....then to get to your hunting area without your tag,get out of your truck/camp and go hunting seems almost impossible.
Not that it really matters at this point but I need to repeat what I wrote in the original post as it appears some have confused this detail.
Posting this for a friend of a friend...if you have any info please call Jason listed at the bottom.
That means I don't know anyone that is involved here. I got all this info in an email from a friend, who in turned received it from someone else that was not necessarily involved either. Sorry if it was interpreted otherwise.

The intent of the post was so others could pass the information around and maybe get to the bottom of the story.

Hopefully this all gets cleared up soon by those DIRECTLY involved. Sorry for opening what is looking like a big can of worms.
Hangar, No need to apologize. Sometimes we enjoy a can of worms around here.

I think the story has a lot of holes in it and we've had some great advice and comments on it. I'd sure like to see the details get filled in. Maybe there really is a reasonable explanation for some of the questions brought up.