All Life on Earth to end!!!

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say ALL life will end, but I won't be surprised if more species become endangered because of his administration's lack of regard for the environment.

He's certainly not going to help the hunting and fishing get any better. Everyone should have figured that out by now. :( :(
Ithaca, you just have learn to accept change. Start by only hunting in areas where you cant get more than a mile or two from a road. Then you wont be so dissappointed.
"Real hunters don't ride around and shoot pets. Ban ATVs and game farms!"

What would be the positive outlook version for that?

Walk from your back yard, use a spear you make or a rock you pick up, be a real hunter, shoot a real animal, catch a real fish!

We have species that have gone extinct in there homeland, but in this state, you can hunt them, any day of the year. Bush didn't have much to do with it though, private citizens, managing private land did. Idaho is different, 60% public land, whew.
Its not like a zoo, people hunt them because they are neat and they taste great, etc. Why would anybody want to hunt the same thing every year? Its a dumb question, sort of, both of them. Some people like each (i.e. hunting native and exotic animals), some just one, most neither.
Canoe, sure I've hunted pheasants. But if we hadn't wiped out the majority of the sage grouse and sharptail grouse habitat, I'd be hunting native birds, instead of exotics. In a way I wish there were no pheasants here, it may have given people more of a reason to save some of our native upland bird habitat. It's similar to the wild salmon versus hatchery salmon. If there were no hatchery salmon, there is no doubt salmon would be listed as an endangered species and salmon habitat would be protected, restored, created...whatever had to be done would be done no matter what the cost. But with all these damn hatchery salmon, many people just don't seem to care. Just like we've got pheasants to hunt, so the majority of people couldn't care less about sharptails and sage grouse.
WH, fair enough. Pheasant just popped into my head after reading your post about not wanting to hunt non-native species. You make some good points.
How in hell did this turn into a non-native game farm thread ?
Rick, I don't know about "all" life, but I suspect there's a few S.I. regulars who might jump of a cliff !
LOL, Dan! I just have to laugh at the posts and topics that use such absolutes - "all," "every", "forever," "always," etc.

"Usually" ( not always) when someone says that, their statement is pretty much null and void on its face as absolutes are very rare in the real world.

It works both ways - Dubya is going to kill "all" wild salmon and Kerry is going to take away "all" our guns. :rolleyes:
I'm just curious how far Kerry would carry along Klintons legacy of shutting the world down as long as the poles swayed him into that direction....
Hey; who do you want for president and why? My favorite dude would be a retired USAF Colonel. Ralph E. Wyatt, with as running mate retired USAF CMSgt James Reginald Young. The two finest men I have ever met. Smart, decisive, courageous, understand their convictions and both are wise enough to know when to say " I don't know" and find someone who does know. :D
Paws, I'm sure your choices are as good as any. As long as they are not somebody who is basically nothing but a professional politician. We have a lot of smart people in this country. Why do we always vote in idiots to run our country? :confused:
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
I'm just curious how far Kerry would carry along Klintons legacy of shutting the world down as long as the poles swayed him into that direction....
Help, can we get a translator in here???? Anybody have a clue what this post said????

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