A little twisted humor


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Northern Colorado
I found a web-site with a little twisted humor and thought you guys might get a chuckle out of some of these dear abby letters.


Dear Cyber Possum,
Is there any good way to tell if a sheep has been killed by a coyote or by another animal? -- Awtopsie

Dear Aw,
If the sheep is not breathing, you may safely assume it has been killed. C.P.

Dear Cyber Possum,
I had a batch of lure working in the garage, and a cat knocked it off the shelf. Now the whole garage is permeated with the rotten lure smell. Is there any way I can get rid of it? -- Dell

Dear Dell,
Wait until the wife and kids have gone to the market, put it in a sack with a brick, and toss it off a bridge. C.P.
Dear Cyber Possum,
I found a fur buyer who says he will pay big dollars for my fur. Should I sell to him? -- Connie

Dear Connie,
Absolutely not! Our currency is very well standardized in this country. All dollars should be the same size. If this person tries to pay you with big dollars, do not accept them. Even though you might think they'd be worth more because they are bigger, they are worthless counterfeits. Also, beware the dollars in pastel shades, with cartoon characters on them. Do not accept these from a fur buyer either. C.P.

Dear Cyber Possum,
I have sheep, and we have coyotes. The ranch hands have killed some, but should I send for someone to trap the coyotes, because they're killing my sheep? -- Pa

Dear Pa,
Yes. I would send for someone to trap the coyotes. Sooner or later, the coyotes will start killing your sheep too. If the sheep have already be depleted by the ranch hands, the coyotes' impact will be even more dramatic. In the meantime, I would speak to the hands, and ask them to stop killing sheep until the coyotes are brought under control. C.P.

That is very funny...That guy has a good sence of humor when asked good questions...LOL..