NEW SITKA Ambient 75

30 Day Background Check

Do most know that the current law allows three days? How many have had to wait 3 days because of federal law? I bet the vast majority here have not had to wait at all. They fill out there background and move on.

There are so many nuances that take time to figure out. Weather or not a person is prohibited is not cut and dry. There are several states (Montana being one) that has automatic restoration of firearms rights for some felonies. Domestic Violence conviction is not always a prohibitor depending on the state of conviction (Wyoming US v Hays). Temporary restraining orders may or may not be prohibitors. The list goes on.. For the vast majority of people, the stats are well over 98%, their backgrounds checks go through without any delay.

Also for clarification...this does not give ATF any more power over anything. This law would have absolutely nothing to do with the ATF.
Where did you get the numbers that a 100,000 guns make it through back ground checks ?
Well over 100 K times a year, prohibited people are getting firearms through the NICS delayed denial. If there is not a resolution to the federal background check within 3 days the firearm is transferred. This is a significant drain on LE resources wherein they are then required to go retrieve the firearm. These retrieval’s are often contentious and dangerous for LE. The 30 days is intended to help prevent these from happening.

Many of the individual states have prolonged waiting periods that have nothing to do with the federal NICS process. It seems like people are confusing the two processes. When I moved to VA, I had to wait 30 days to pickup my most recent firearm. It sucked! I still had to go through the federal NICS background. It took all of about one minute...after the state mandated 30 days.
Good luck in the draws.
Just say, "NO!" to any more "gun" laws!

Never give an inch to the anti gun crowd!

My "opinion" is start by repealing the GCA '34 and everything that's been passed since then.

The GCA '34 was passed when the "legislative" ran head long into the Constitution and realized they couldn't "ban" any particular weapon, so they just taxed the crap out of them.
Go back and compare Hitler's GCA '38 with LBJ's GCA '68.
Almost identical.

Tell "Bozo" O'Rourke, "Hell no you're not getting my AR! Not peaceably!"
I might have a little respect for robert francis if he volunteered to be #1 in the stack going through the door to take those AR15s.
But hes just a skinny coward running his skinny mouth.
And thats the kindest thing I could say.
I might have a little respect for robert francis if he volunteered to be #1 in the stack going through the door to take those AR15s.
But hes just a skinny coward running his skinny mouth.
And thats the kindest thing I could say.
My "kindest" words for that fruitcakes wouldn't get past the monitors here. 😠
Seems like going from 3 days to 30 days because of one bad incident seems like an overshot. How many days would have been required to have avoided the one instance? 5? 7? 10? Seems like it should be no more than 5-7 and I could live with that. But 30 seems like just being difficult for difficulty's sake. I hate that both anti-2A and anti-Roe folks have decided if they can't win in SCOTUS/Congress that they will do the death by a thousand paper cuts approach.
Domestic violence victims, a person with a PPO against a violent offender, a home owner who’s house was broke into. Any one of these is reason enough.
I agree, but it also cuts the other way. Those who have committed domestic violence or are subject to a protective order are typically dealt with at a county level which makes it trickier to search.

How about actually spending money on a federal database of all those ineligible and requiring soc sec # on ffl papers so the searches could get done in 1 day in all cases? I am guessing folks wouldn't like that either. Reminds me of when MN banned cities from using speed cams to send tickets. Most of us agree that speed limits are appropriate, but none of us want a ticket when we speed.
I must be confused. The current system is designed to prevent convicted felons fromm purchasing firearm and my understanding the bill was to allow up to 30 days for the process. HIPAA compliance and military records? Is that include in the proposed legislation?
Way more than just convicted felons - its the whole list of disqualifiers from the FFL transfer form.
Gun control is incremental. The gun control proponents have already said they will take it in "baby steps". In theory, a 30 day waiting period would seem reasonable. In reality because of todays politics, there is no room for compromise on gun control because any compromise we agree to will lead to yet more gun control.
One of the problems is the two sides refusing to work together. I would happily agree to a one-time firearms registration process that could take 14 days or so and would require a gun safey course. After that, things like convictions and restraining orders would directly "flip a switch on my record" (thereby no need for 3, 5, 7 year renewals etc.). They could auto-reissue the card for those in good standing every 5 years or so. But once I cleared I am good for life to walk into any gun store in America and buy any lawful item - just show them the card, they type in the number and 5 minutes later I am either approved or not. No further state overlay would be allowed. All sales would require showing the seller your card. In a private sale situation, if a seller did not ask to see the card the seller would be on the hook for all liability flowing from the buyer's misdeeds.

Easy peasy. But no one wants easy peasy. The NRA and the DEM party make no money from easy peasy, they make money by fanning the flames of "out of my cold dead hands" and "ohh but the children.)
Gun control is incremental. The gun control proponents have already said they will take it in "baby steps". In theory, a 30 day waiting period would seem reasonable. In reality because of todays politics, there is no room for compromise on gun control because any compromise we agree to will lead to yet more gun control.
Glad to see at least one guy that's wide awake!

"Never give an inch!
In fact! Repeal all previous legislation from GCA '34 forward!"
One of the problems is the two sides refusing to work together. I would happily agree to a one-time firearms registration process that could take 14 days or so and would require a gun safey course. After that, things like convictions and restraining orders would directly "flip a switch on my record" (thereby no need for 3, 5, 7 year renewals etc.). They could auto-reissue the card for those in good standing every 5 years or so. But once I cleared I am good for life to walk into any gun store in America and buy any lawful item - just show them the card, they type in the number and 5 minutes later I am either approved or not. No further state overlay would be allowed. All sales would require showing the seller your card. In a private sale situation, if a seller did not ask to see the card the seller would be on the hook for all liability flowing from the buyer's misdeeds.

Easy peasy. But no one wants easy peasy. The NRA and the DEM party make no money from easy peasy, they make money by fanning the flames of "out of my cold dead hands" and "ohh but the children.)
There is NO compromise with the "anti's"!
Their ultimate goal is a disarmed America.
The anti's see compromise as progress toward disarmament!
There is NO compromise with the "anti's"!
Their ultimate goal is a disarmed America.
The anti's see compromise as progress toward disarmament!
And the other side is just as adamant. Frankly, the 70% of us in the middle need to stop listening to any of you and govern accordingly. The "Dixiecrats" played a masterful game in the 50's & 60's by projecting way more political influence than their numbers warranted. Now in 2021 the anti-fas and the anti-everything-else pairs on the far left and far right are doing the same by convincing the 70% middle we have to pick a side or lose everything. How about we pick the middle, and the left and right can lose everything for a change.
"Never give an inch!
In fact! Repeal all previous legislation from GCA '34 forward!"
So, a sincere question here, the US would be a safer and better nation if the following people could buy, possess and use fully automatic weapons on demand?
  1. Straw buyers
  2. Convicted violent felons
  3. Violators of the Uniform Code of Military Justice sufficient to warrant a general court-martial
  4. Fugitives from justice
  5. Drug addicts
  6. The adjudicated mentally ill
  7. The dishonorably discharged
  8. Convicted domestic abusers
  9. Those who have renounced their US citizenship
  10. Those who are subject to a restraining order due to harassing, stalking or threatening their own child or spouse
  11. Illegal aliens

If you say yes, then I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree.
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Getting a gun on demand is not a right either - the right to bear arms is, but the steps to acquiring such arms are subject to reasonable safety regulation and some people may never be allowed to receive such arms - see, Scalia in Heller.

Why would you want to wait to take your firearm home after you’ve already been cleared to do so? Seems stupid to me to want that. That’s not been the case for as long as I’ve been buying firearms.

How long do you want to wait to take your firearm home after you’ve been cleared to do so? 30 days, 6 months, a year?
One of the problems is the two sides refusing to work together. I would happily agree to a one-time firearms registration process that could take 14 days or so and would require a gun safey course. After that, things like convictions and restraining orders would directly "flip a switch on my record" (thereby no need for 3, 5, 7 year renewals etc.). They could auto-reissue the card for those in good standing every 5 years or so. But once I cleared I am good for life to walk into any gun store in America and buy any lawful item - just show them the card, they type in the number and 5 minutes later I am either approved or not. No further state overlay would be allowed. All sales would require showing the seller your card. In a private sale situation, if a seller did not ask to see the card the seller would be on the hook for all liability flowing from the buyer's misdeeds.

Easy peasy. But no one wants easy peasy. The NRA and the DEM party make no money from easy peasy, they make money by fanning the flames of "out of my cold dead hands" and "ohh but the children.)

Lol. You can have a firearm now in about 5 minutes, depending on how busy the system is. Seems easy peasy to leave the system alone. Indeed, some people don’t want easy peasy.
Lol. You can have a firearm now in about 5 minutes, depending on how busy the system is. Seems easy peasy to leave the system alone. Indeed, some people don’t want easy peasy.
Yup, me and every guy I know have never waited more than 5 minutes even this spring. The employees at the gun shop were the biggest choke point when things were busy. But I understand that isn't the case for everyone.
Why would you want to wait to take your firearm home after you’ve already been cleared to do so? Seems stupid to me to want that. That’s not been the case for as long as I’ve been buying firearms.

How long do you want to wait to take your firearm home after you’ve been cleared to do so? 30 days, 6 months, a year?
I think we must be misunderstanding each other. I don't want a post-clearance waiting period. I was just responding to your "right vs privilege" remark.
So, a sincere question here, the US would be a safer and better nation if the following people could buy, possess and use fully automatic weapons on demand?
  1. Straw buyers
  2. Convicted violent felons
  3. Violators of the Uniform Code of Military Justice sufficient to warrant a general court-martial
  4. Fugitives from justice
  5. Drug addicts
  6. The adjudicated mentally ill
  7. The dishonorably discharged
  8. Convicted domestic abusers
  9. Those who have renounced their US citizenship
  10. Those who are subject to a restraining order due to harassing, stalking or threatening their own child or spouse
  11. Illegal aliens

If you say yes, then I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree.
1) Your questions are NOT sincere.
2) Your presumptions of "laws" creating a gun utopia are unrealistic.
3) ...and you are totally full of male bovine feces.

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