2018 Wyoming Apps Open


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2013
For those early birds out there, the Wyoming apps are officially open online.
This is gonna be an interesting year in WY after the tag fee increase. Any guesses on what’s going to happen with the NR elk applications? Does the point creep accelerate for the regular tags as people get scared of getting priced out? Do the special tags see a drop in applicants since those tags now exceed $1,200? Any guesses?
I think the random odds will dive the most within the next few years as more and more people wanting to cash out their points now but still want to hunt year after year, so they skip the point only and go into the random pool. I think we'll still see the same trends in what unit sales out and what units have leftovers. That's not going to change, it's the units that have historically sold out that'll feel the most creep as people cash in on points. As a resident, thankful I don't have to play that game. I could be totally wrong as only time will tell. Good luck to all, may the odds be in your favor.
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The way the economy has been going, I doubt the fee increases make much difference. If and when things stall out again and the economy goes down the tubes, I would guess you would see a drop in special apps.