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2010 NoDak Muley

Sorry slow getting back on here, between daughters BB games and a shot of snow to go chase cats in I have been out of the house.
I wish there was a long story, but there is not.
He was taken in badlands of SW North Dakota in a area that I grew up before moving to MT 20 years ago. The first time I seen him was 5 years ago when he was a 2.5 year old, then I didn't see him for 4 years. Last year during a August scouting trip I think I got a look at him, but it was to quick to do a positive id.
Then this year I was in my second week of hunting and I crawled up on ridge and set up the spoting scope and spoted two deer in a draw around 800 yards out. At first I thought I was seeing limbs till he stepped out with the doe:eek:.
As I was laying there trying to make up my mind on trying for him or not and how to get closer the doe started my way with him following her. It took them about half an hour to get around 300 yards away the whole time they stayed in the trees and I still didn't a great look at him. Then finally he walked over to my side of the draw and I got a clear look at him, when i seen the forked cheater on his left side I knew he was the young buck from 5 years ago and did the math and thought he was 7.5 years old and more than likely as big as he was going to get. Then it was just a matter of getting the range and holding the 6.5 in the right spot. One shot at 307 yards he was mine. Not my biggest, but the coolest looking buck I have been lucky enough to harvest and will be proudly on the wall.
Took the jaw to the local bio and he confirmed the he was 7.5 years old
When hunting eastern MT and ND I will use a 6.5 x 284, Cooper model 22.
I have nice pack of Blk & Tans that I hunt coons and cats with.
Dang nice buck, I too think the mass is cool. Congrats of closing the history book, it's always cool when you see em later.

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