Yeti GOBOX Collection

2003 Co. Unit 54 Photos


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Fort Worth, TX
Here are some photos from my 1st season hunt. No dead critters, but beautiful country. These pictures were taken the evening before the season opened as my brother-in-law and I hiked up from Soap
Creek toward Bonefisk Peak. I picked a poor campsite for out tent (too exposed) and got caught in one heck of a lightning/sleet/wind storm. Wound up having to bail out of the tent due to nearby lightning strikes and spent most of the night in an aspen grove with my sleeping bag over my head dodging trees that were blowing down. That is called an educational experience.





<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-06-2004 11:45: Message edited by: chambero ]</font>
Nice pics! That sure is some great country
Hopefully next time you pick a better camp site and score on a nice bull....Good luck!

I hunted that country for 13 years. Your pictures sure brought back some nice memories. I climbed Bonfisk Peak on a scouting hike. I know those drainages on the west side of the peak well. We used to setup a big base camp in Big Soap Park, at the end of the 4x4 track, next to Soap Creek. Then do backpack trips up into the drainages. Took several nice elk out of there. I like the areas a couple miles up the creek better. Fewer people. But further up into Soap Basin and the area around Porcupine Mountain have too many big horse camps setup there.

I didn't get anything on this trip. Actually, I never saw a dead animal on the whole trip. The elk were really scattered and they have a lot of room in this area to get away from folks. Even the horse hunters weren't finding them. KC, you had pointed me to this area. I appreciate the help. It really was great country. We headed uphill before we got to East Soap Creek because there were three big groups from Kansas setting up camps near the East Soap/Soap juncture and farther up to the Coffeepot/Soap juncture. We found plenty of sign, but just couldn't find the critters. Only 10 months till next time....
Chambero... NNICE pics !!!! Kep[p them Coming and Good luck in 10 months !!! Next time take a Picture with somethnig dead in it
Those are some very nice pics and looks to be some great area to be sneaking around in...