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1_pointer ???

Nope. No elk for me! There's always next year. We did see about a 30"(at least that's my guess) muley out by the airport.
I can't belive you went right by the refuge and didn't even mention the some 700 plus bulls that were 6x6 and better...The buffalo were all over the place let alone the moose...LOL... and you only saw one deer...
Did you really go, or are you just fibbin...LMAO.... :D :D :D
Well the movement this past weekend was a bit slow, but they were moving through a little bit. Of course the fog did not help any. There is always next year.
Yes we did the run. I did 5k (3.1mi) in 29:30. Not a record by any means, but the 18 degree weather made it a bit harder than expected. It was fun. My goal is to break 29min on my next try. We still doing the Ridge Run in MT with Greeny and WW next year?? :D
1_pointer ,
Yup there's always next year

Sounds like you had a good time with the turkey trot
It's never mundane to see animals..It is a great experience. The run sounds fun, do you get to carry packs..LOL..Maybe heavy huh... :D