Caribou Gear

12s or 15s


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
If you already had a good pair of 10x42s, would you rather have some 15x56SLC or 12x50EL binos for the tripod. Both in current models.

Already have s swaro spotter, just looking for a bino for a tripod.
I think if you are looking for a new set strictly for a tripod, I would lean toward the 15's. going from a 10 to a 12 isn't making much money for you.
I hear you but I've talked with guys that say the better glass in the els will outwork the power difference in the slc.

I have the swaro spotter which I love. I also have the Cabelas euro hd 10x42 and love them. I'm looking at getting the Euro HD in the 15x56 or the SLC 15x56, then the EL in the 12x50 came up through conversation.

I have put the euros against the slc and think they are both great. If fact if you could make sure I didn't know which was which I might think that the euros were better.

The difference in price I can almost buy an Outdoorsman Tripod.

I'm just at a fork in the road and am scratching my head.
Interesting this topic came up today. I am also looking at new glass for a tripod, but I am trying to decided between EL 10x42 or 12x50 because I am looking at more "all around" type glass, i.e. something I can wear around the neck, but is at its best on the tripod. In addition, I also have a Swaro spotter. Anyway, I called Outdoorsmans last night and talked with them for a bit about my situation. I cannot remember the name of the gentleman I spoke with, but he loves the EL 12x50s. In fact, he ditched his 15x56s for the 12x50s (he also uses a spotter). He believes the 12x50s are Swaro's best "all around" binocular because of their combination of field of view and and magnification. In his words, "The 12s field of view is more valuable than the 15s magnification."

I'm just at a fork in the road and am scratching my head.

I know the feeling. I thought the gentleman at Outdoorsmans was helpful and you may want to give them call. However, I would also like to hear form some Hunt Talkers who have experience with both and can give a real world comparison.
I just got back from the local Cabelas store and tried out the Swaro 12x50 el's. All I can say is that they are incredible!!! I took them outside, along with the Leupold GR 12-40 x60 spotter, as I was in the market for either one. The Swaro 12x50 beat out the GR spotter hands down. I know its not really comparing apples to apples, but I took everything into consideration, and came to that conclusion. I dont own a spotter, and just have low-mid grade binos, so I was a virgin optics shopper if you can call it that. Doin research and actually looking thru the swaro 12x's was all it took for me to come home, go online and purchase these binos, and they will be here Monday!!!! This may have not answered your original post, and I dont know about the 15's but I wanted to share with you my opinion about the 12's......fwiw, they are amazing!!!
Randy11, good point.

I went to cabelas last night and bought the slc 10x42 and 15x56.

I compared them to the euros back and forth from 8:15 to 9:45 last night.

The slc 10x42 beat the euros by just a hair right at dark. I got lucky and a great horned owl landed on a tree about 250 yards away and stayed there till dark. If the slcs are a 9.5 out of 10 the euros are a 9.25 in the 10x42. FYI my euro hds are 3-4 years old and the slcs were out of the box.

The 15x56 was a different story. I liked the euros better than the slcs in the 15s. From good light to the end. I was surprised but I tried to get the swaros to pull away but every time I looked at that owl he was sharper, clearer, and brighter through the euro Hds. For the difference in price id take the euros and an outdoorsman tripod over just the swaros hands down.

As I was putting the Austrians back in the boxes to return today(sorry Cabelas but I spend enough money with you that I don't feel bad doing this).....I kept wondering about those 12x50 els. I've never looked through them outside before.

So tonight I'm gonna try those els against my 15 euros and see if that helps clarify things for me. After seeing the light gathering of the 10x slcs I'm now intrigued on how some 8.5x42s would be.......
I loved the els. I didn't $2,850 love them. I took back both the els and 15x Euros. I'm selling my 10x42 euros and getting the slc 10x42s then saving for an outdoorsman tripod with the dual attachment for the spotter and binos. Glad I have a straight spotter.
I went through this awhile back, I wanted another set to complement my 10x42els. I thought the 12x50els were a good bit better than the 15slc's.

I've got 2 pair of el's now. I like the fact that i can hold the 12's plenty steady without a tripod.
Since you already have a solid pair of hand held binos in the 10x42's, I would go with the 15's.

I have been using my 12x50 razors as both my handheld and on a tripod and absolutely love it.
I do like my 15x50 HD ED Alpens.
On a tripod or around my neck. Not nearly the price but close to the quality IMHO.
I don't really want to pack 2 pairs of binos around. The EL 12x were a little better right at dark than the euro 15s. The only bino o was really not impressed with was the 15x56 slc. I've got a chance to get a pair of the 10x42 slcs for $1500 new in box so I just sold my euros to a friend and am going to put the money from taking the 15x euros back and go with the tripod. I just think I can do more damage with the steadier Tripod than another set of binos.

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