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  1. W

    New Rules

    And your analyzing the joke why??.....
  2. W

    Please Take A Look

    Hey thanks you guys for taking a look!! @T Bone, once we start getting content on the site, I will add more forums...did not want to start with too many forums as sometimes that makes visitors feel overwhelmed :)
  3. W

    Please Take A Look

    Hmmm 16 views and no comments...that may be a bad sign ;)
  4. W

    New Rules

    I think my favorite is:
  5. W

    New Rules

    New Rule: Stop giving me that pop-up ad for! There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you don't particularly like them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn. New Rule: Don't eat anything that's...
  6. W

    Colonoscopy One Liners

    A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies: "Take it easy, Doc. You're boldly going where no man has gone before!" "Find Amelia Earhart yet?" "Can you hear me NOW?" "Are we there yet? Are we...
  7. W


    Why do men's hearts beat quicker, go weak in the knees, get dry throats and think irrationally when a woman wears leather clothing? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BECAUSE SHE SMELLS LIKE A NEW TRUCK!!!
  8. W

    Please Take A Look

    Hi there everyone, after a couple days of coding and getting the design just right, I have put the site back up. Unfortunately it does not have the members or content it once had but I think that is alright as the site was taking a turn to a different subject than what it was meant to. If you...
  9. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    PETA? as in People Eating Tasty Animals?
  10. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    Curious, do you get your home sprayed for bugs? If you see a spider in your house do you kill it or pick it up and take it outside. I was being funny when I talked about lizard hunting in the dunes, in the years I have been going there I have never seen one. But it is clear you just simply...
  11. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    Nope has to be ATV' one else in any other type of vehicle is irresponsible, it is only ATV riders. I am being dramatic of I stated a few posts ago...I ride in the dunes and where people cannot hunt, therefore, I do not create an issue.
  12. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    You used the word fat-assed so many times I thought you were looking for a date.
  13. W

    Let Them Eat Cake!

    Happy Birthday Travis :) Sounds like a great family you have over there, congrats!! :)
  14. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    I think I understand what you are saying, however, the part about not taking them off-road does not quite make sense...their purpose is even in their name All Terrain Vehicle. If you were going to drive them on the pavement, why not just get a car or truck. As far as enforcement, you are very...
  15. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    You may have misunderstood me, I was not referring to hunting from them...I know individuals who use them to get to their location (ie stands) I am confused with this statement Taking ATV's off-road should never be done, isn't that their intended purpose? As far as where I ride, there is no...
  16. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    I could not agree more.
  17. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    **YAWN** Whats funny is that somehow you find that to be an educated insult.
  18. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    Ok I am not disputing the fact that reckless and irresponsible riding is ruining hunting as well as damaging our natural landscape. But I do have a question and challege for you. Question: Are you against nature groups hosting hikes and whatnot?
  19. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    No kidding, religion is sounding easier and easier now :) I probably would have been better off asking for feed back on my site ;) Honestly I guess I really never thought about what a bad name ATV / motorcycle riders have been given since I have always gone riding to enjoy...
  20. W

    ATV Pros Is Open!!

    Ok so then if I understand this correctly, you hate quads cause you were riding with someone who could not ride and had an accident? I completely understand what you are speaking of in the first part of your comment and honestly agree with you. Far too many times to people go out on quads /...
PEAX Trekking Poles

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