Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Recent content by joseph34

  1. J

    I'm just a big softy

    When I went to Phoenix over the summer,in the mornings there would be a few outside
  2. J

    Tebow Time!

    Tebow finished overtime early!!
  3. J

    New Season

    That's a pretty dog, good thing you got in a shot
  4. J

    Let the calling begin

    Pretty dog, congrats!!
  5. J

    I'm just a big softy

    Did you name him?!?!
  6. J

    Coyote Hunting?

    I have a deer carcass set up and im going sit under a cedar tree with my bow tomorrow
  7. J

    Litter Mates

    some pretty dogs, nice job!
  8. J

    from Santa...

    Awesome deer!!
  9. J

    fall turkey in the A.M. can't wait

    Beautiful bird, good luck!
  10. J

    New Orleans Hog Hunting?

    Well Louisiana sure has pigs, but im in central LA and we kill them all the time. Not sure about around New Orleans. Good luck
  11. J

    Coyote Hunting?

    Thanks again, im going tomorrow and give it a try
  12. J

    Coyote Hunting?

    Out where i live I have field on the edge of some woods and at night they constantly yipping and barking. I was thinking I could go and set up there to see if I cant shoot me one or two. Thanks for the tips!
  13. J

    Coyote Hunting?

    What kind of call works best?
  14. J

    Coyote Hunting?

    I am just starting to hunt predators and i was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks that they are willing to share about calling and baiting? Im mostly focused on coyotes.
  15. J

    Duck shoot...

    Great pics!!