PEAX Equipment

What tent to buy


Active member
Apr 17, 2020
Need some help, looking to purchase tent for elk hunting WY and MT. Should I get a wall tent or should I get teppi tent with a wood stove.

Check out seek outsides courthouse I have one love it not quite as big as a wall tent way nicer than a teepee it is smaller than my gym duffel bag I have a titanium stove for it that’s the size of a laptop bag it doesn’t take up half a truck bed and with stove comes in around 15#
You could probably pick up a cheap one from a mountain goat hunter on here. Clean one owner. All kidding aside we probably need some more details on what your looking for how many people etc.

But a teepee tent with a wood stove from @Dsnow9. Never been used
Thanks everyone….. just got back from MT and got tired of hiking 3 miles in and back in one day just to be in elk.

-way to dry out if the weather is bad
-4-5 guys hunting
- able to handle some snow/rain
-have a wood stove

If there are things to consider please let me know what i am missing.
Thanks everyone….. just got back from MT and got tired of hiking 3 miles in and back in one day just to be in elk.

-way to dry out if the weather is bad
-4-5 guys hunting
- able to handle some snow/rain
-have a wood stove

If there are things to consider please let me know what i am missing.

Nothing more comfortable than a wood stove heated wall tent. Your not packing a stove and a tent large enough to fit 4-5 guys away from the truck without stock.
Nothing more comfortable than a wood stove heated wall tent. Your not packing a stove and a tent large enough to fit 4-5 guys away from the truck without stock.
Think i am going to be renting llamas.

We did a cabin 15 minutes from one location, but when we started splitting up it took about 1.5 hrs to drop everyone else and get to our access. Might have to rethink the our hunting ideas too.
I know 2 guys that hunt with llamas they both run that tent I have it’s the reason I bought it
I wouldn’t want any more than 3 depending on time of year and what not I also want another post to run across my 2 so I can hang things on it

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