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Managing Joint Inflammation (Long Term Strategies)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 16014
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Deleted member 16014

Alright all you hard chargers and old folks... ;)

I'm in my mid-30's and have some pretty substantial ankle inflammation, to the point it's causing cramping in my lower leg muscles 3-5 times per night. Thankfully I have kids so I'm not used to normal sleep anyway. Present in both feet but far worse in the right. Past and current factors include:
--Rolled and broke it playing basketball about 3 years ago
--Partially torn peroneal tendon (Dr. is not interested in starting "clean up" surgeries at my age, nor am I)
--Very high arches that strain tendon and ligament health
--Like most people, many turns/twists etc. from sports and thousands of hiking miles

I have been using custom orthotics for about 4 years, which helps in general. However, I have chronic, moderate to severe inflammation after any physical activity, including just a few mile walk. I'm not going to stop walking far and hunting hard so this is a pain and damage management issue, not looking for a "solution" because there isn't one. I'm very blessed in that my knees and other joints are holding up fine so far.

What do you do in terms of supplements, PT (particularly in ankles), or other things to help manage inflammation? If supplements, it must be something that's safe to take regularly and long term (i.e. I'm not going to take Ibuprofen every single day for the next 30 years).

Thanks for your tips and tricks!
It was football injuries for me. My bad knee has finally healed almost 10 years after the initial injury, but a daily Glucosamine supplement helped me for a long time. I also struggled with a bad peroneal tendon and some arch problem that caused some horrible shin splints. Aggressive stretching and foam rolling really helped me there.
Lots and lots of high quality fish oil. Limit sugar as much as possible and (cough, cough) beer. You could try CBD oil...I've heard great things, but depending on your work you may pee hot in a drug screen. I would try it if I could.

I struggle with the same in my knees and shoulders and hips. Probably from too many years of football.
I've had ankle issues from sports too, so I feel your pain. There are some great surgeons out there to clean up these issues, but I totally get not wanting to go down that road.

The only things I have found to keep inflammation down is the right food. When I eliminated dairy and processed sugars I noticed a significant difference. Not easy but I haven't found anything better.

For PT, the best solution I found was tracing the alphabet at work with my foot over and over and over.
yeah i'd agree limit sugar. there's no good reason to have processed sugar in the diet, period, if you ask me. and even consider just overall a very very low carb diet. instead do a diet high in high quality protein and high quality fat

seems that research on the inflammatory nature of high carb diets is ever increasing in its confidence
I tore ligaments in both my knees wrestling as a kid—and have been, uh, let’s say, husky all my life. My knees are pretty bad for a 38 year old. Like was said above, the absolute best anti inflammatory for me is eliminating sugar, and doing regular area-specific stretching. It’s tough, because I’ve got a hell of a sweet tooth, but I notice a huge difference in the way I feel after a couple weeks of no sugar. If I eat a donut or a bowl of ice cream, I know I can expect to have knee pain for a couple days afterward.
Good input, thanks all. I could certainly do better with a stretching and rolling regime. Food-wise I do pretty well, 80-90% paleo compliant, but again there's room to double down on eliminating processed sugar. @rtraverdavis that's crazy how tightly your pain is correlated to sugar, that's good inspiration to watch it closer.
Just a few weeks ago I finished up with a six month stint of physical therapy on my ankle due to a day in July when I leapt from a boat on Holter Lake and collided with mother earth unnaturally. Really f'd my ankle up.

Definitely not the same thing you are dealing with but it sounds like ankle strength is not an issue with you, but maybe rather mobility. Nothing has helped me more throughout the most recent ankle injury as well as a lifetime of adult achilles pain, as much as eccentric heel drops. Really stretches out your achilles and calf, and if those things are enflamed I could imagine having more mobility in those areas leaving you with a bit more wiggle room.

I do 3 sets of 10 with a straight leg in the morning and another 3 sets in the evening with a slightly bent knee.

Good input, thanks all. I could certainly do better with a stretching and rolling regime. Food-wise I do pretty well, 80-90% paleo compliant, but again there's room to double down on eliminating processed sugar. @rtraverdavis that's crazy how tightly your pain is correlated to sugar, that's good inspiration to watch it closer.
I didn’t want to believe it, but it’s just how my body reacts. Wish it would have been broccoli or something, instead of sugar. That would be easy to eliminate.
My right ankle locks up on backpack hunts from a ding dong ditching injury during college. I really should see a doctor about it.

I have no advice for you though.
Well all they told me was you’re screwed, come back when you’re old or something comes apart. So I figured I’d invest the saved cash from cancelling checkups in alpha glass and ask random people on the internet ha.

I do actually feel like I’ve gotten good foot and joint care, since 2014 I’ve broken four bones in my feet and only missed about 10 days of one hunting season. Fancy ski town docs and all.
I would make an appointment with these guys and just get an evaluation. They are both hunters and excellent podiatrists. They will have some good advice I'm confident. As far as supplements turmeric is great for inflammation
road running gives me bad ankle and knee aches...not sure if it will work but I'm going to start taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin. I have some elk bones that I'm going to make into broth which is supposed have a bunch of collagen.

I'm told turmeric is helpful but add black pepper...probably just a bill of goods but it's worth a shot
Dang it. After reading these replies things are making more sense. I'm a slow learner. I have bad knees. In 2019 I did the keto diet to lose some weight for an elk hunt i had that fall. Best my knees have felt and all around felt good. More energy better sleep etc... I thought it was losing about 20 pounds which I'm sure helped but after reading this it was probably the combo of losing weight and eliminating sugar. Then pandemic hit and I went back to old eating habits as well as having knee problems again. So looks like I will be going back to keto and less sugar. Hoping to pull a great elk tag this fall which will provide the incentive I need to stay on it once again. Once again thanks for all the helpful information Hunt talkers have provided here.
I've had some knee injuries from wrestling in high school. Every once in a while I feel like I have plantar faciitis. Been taking Glucosamine Chondroitin for a few years pretty regularly. My dog (hip dysplasia) needs it more than I do so I take some whenever I give him some. I foam roll my legs after all my runs. Strength training doesn't really tend to work my joints as bad a constant movements like running, cycling, or rowing. If I know I'm going to be doing something super strenuous I usually pop a few ibu's before and after to minimize swelling. I don't do it often but I do Ice bath after long runs. 10-13 miles. I just had My IT band flair up a couple weeks ago and the pain was agonizing. Got home from work on friday and could barely move. Ice is my friend. Never really use a hot pad other than the heated seat in my car lol.
I’m 50 years old, run 3 - 4 times a week and in the mountains 50+ days a year. Thankfully I don’t have any real injuries or issues at the moment. I did have knee problems a few years ago but sorted that out by cutting weight, improving my diet, swimming twice a week and light exercise / stretching most nights and getting better sleep. I’d recommend all these things for keeping active and hunt fit. It’s almost a full time job at my age!

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