2024 Out of state hunt


Feb 19, 2020
Wondering if anyone would like to give me suggestions for a out of state hunt next year. I know I don't have a lot of points or options but I want to go on a hunt next year out of state. Obviously, not looking for a trophy hunt, just something I could draw and see some animals. If you know of a decent hunt I would have a chance to draw and willing to let me know, please comment or shoot me a DM. Below are my preference points, Thank you

Wyoming Preference Points (Willing to put in for special draw)
Antelope - 4
Elk - 4
Deer - 4

Antelope - 4
Elk - 4
Deer - 4

Antelope - 2
Elk - 2
Deer - 3
You can hunt CO every year OTC for elk even while you build points. Montana isn't too hard to get general deer and elk tags, bonus points and preference points are different there so make sure you understand the difference. Wy has cow elk tags as well, you can easily hunt every year between the three states you listed and burn your points how you choose after you get some experience. Let's just say you're sitting prettier for points than me and I have no trouble hunting out of state every year. Do some searching, there's plenty of info already on this forum alone to get you figuring out a plan, and you're at the point where you need one, lots of good hunting in your near future if you decide to go.
There is a fuzziness about points. You can look at the prior draw when you have preference points and no guarantee what number of points will be needed as you apply in the next draw. Units get blown up by a "monster" critter taken or a hunting advisory service saying that unit is now a blue chip unit. Units get blown up when tags get cut due to a tough winter or tough predation. States love to cut opportunity for non-residents as well so even if tags are steady there may be a smaller bucket for you as a non-resident. Even the rumor of non-residents getting a major cut in bucket size or having tag costs go up significantly will cause a stampede to burn up points and drop that state.

Bonus points are even trickier as all the above can be at play plus you never are front of the line but rather just have more balls each year. I think Montana is a points squared bonus state.

I used to apply for around 70 hunts plus also do point savers in several other states or species. I sometimes drew 5 hunts and as few as 1 a year. My sheep odds were 1 in 300 or so while pronghorn were often 1 in 25 or better. If I had merely tried to apply for just one tag a year then may have had a lot of years I would not have drawn a tag.

Points to me were a necessary evil to chase sheep/goat/moose/bison so along the way picked up some elk/deer/pronghorn tags that had high harvest rates which made for pleasant hunting. Pleasant hunting for me meant plenty of public land access with no army of pumpkin orange glowing on every ridge top with the mindset that effectively there is a policy that if it is brown it is down. I like to be able to pass on an animal Day 1 and maybe it is still living 30 minutes later.
Make a list of priorities. What is the top animal you want to hunt and what is the top state, then do that. That’s what I do anyway.

You have enough points in enough states you can start hunting next year and continue to hunt different species and states for years all while refreshing the points you use.
You have more options than you realize. Three points in colorado for deer is more points than I will hopefully ever have. I’d burn that if you’re just looking for a good hunt with a good number of animals. I have 4 points in WY for elk that I want to use but idk if that will be enough for a general. Sounds like 2024 special elk in Wyoming is going to be a real hurt on the wallet too. It’s hatd to beat Colorado deer.
Wondering if anyone would like to give me suggestions for a out of state hunt next year. I know I don't have a lot of points or options but I want to go on a hunt next year out of state. Obviously, not looking for a trophy hunt, just something I could draw and see some animals. If you know of a decent hunt I would have a chance to draw and willing to let me know, please comment or shoot me a DM. Below are my preference points, Thank you

Wyoming Preference Points (Willing to put in for special draw)
Antelope - 4
Elk - 4
Deer - 4

Antelope - 4
Elk - 4
Deer - 4

Antelope - 2
Elk - 2
Deer - 3

How did this hunt go? You will only have 3 pp for antelope in 2024 in WY.

Colorado has a bunch of deer hunts that you can draw 2nd choice and not burn your points. research son, research
How did this hunt go? You will only have 3 pp for antelope in 2024 in WY.

That hunt was great. Can't wait to get out there again. I actually put 4 pp for wyoming antelope because that is how many my wife will have after July 1. Next time we go on a wyoming antelope hunt we will be burning her points which is why I put 4
That hunt was great. Can't wait to get out there again. I actually put 4 pp for wyoming antelope because that is how many my wife will have after July 1. Next time we go on a wyoming antelope hunt we will be burning her points which is why I put 4
Mind throwing up a story and some pics?

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