What baselayers do you like?


Active member
Dec 15, 2020
the age-old dilemma. Synthetic (dries fast) vs. wool (less stink). Has anyone found a good baselayer that finds that happy medium?
For mild weather I really like the 150 wt Black Ovis hoody.

If its cold I wear the Kuiu Peleton 97 hoody and zip offs. They are awesome!
For me 100-150 wt wool dries fast enough to split the difference, especially some of the blends that are out there. It's never going to dry as fast as 100% synthetic but it's a compromise that works for me.
On cool mornings I put on my SKRE wool zip with the synthetic on top. When it warms, I stow the wool and use the synthetic.
I stopped using synthetic baselayers along time ago due to the stink factor. Marino wool has down.
FL is the most comfortable but least durable.
KUIU most durable not the most comfortable and has a verity of features.
Black Ovis splits the difference and price is reasonable.
Smart wool is good but mine have developed some small holes. Not moths as no other of my wool gets moths. 200g and 12 years old.
REI makes some decent cheaper merino. 180g and 3 years old.
Cabellas used to. Not recently.
SKRE 180g is more like 120. I use it in early season or doubled up with another.

Looking at some others, American made.
I only wear merino now in base layers, but I still like Patagonia Capaline.
Every day in winter. Just rotate and wash.
150-200 weight merino always (except hot weather hunts) as base then layer whatever is needed above it. typically when cold i wear kuiu zipoff fleece as 2nd layer as they are easiest and best design i have found to get on/off in the field.
I went 100% wool a few years back and have never regretted it. I have never found wool hard to dry or it taking noticeably longer than synthetic to dry.

For me I can't deal with the stink of synthetic. It might be my personalized sweat profile, but day one is fine, day two synthetic stinks, and by day three they are unbearable. Further, I don't think the stink really washes out of synthetic. As a midwest deer hunter, I practice quite a bit of scent control so stinky synthetics that wreak of human stank are a nonstarter.

Further synthetic feels like garbage on your skin. Merino is a very comfortable.

Personal preference I guess. I like all Smartool Merino products. I've also loved my Sitka Merino. All of my Block Ovis Merino has been great too.
Went to FL merino a few years ago and have been very happy. I agree with some of the comments above, synthetics just stink too much for me and they’re not as comfortable. I’ve got some synthetics that I can wash multiple times and they still smell. In contrast, I can wear the same merino base layers for a week plus hunt and not notice any stink.
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