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The Meat Eater vs. Vegan - Great Video

Yes, he handled himself very well. Thanks for posting the link.
Steve did a very good job of replying to this gentleman's statement. I am sure he didn't change the guys opinion, but at least I think he has a little more respect for Steve and his ideals. Good job Steve!
Rinella is a very well spoken man. He handled that criticism very well.
That was great. I would have just called him an idiot and went to the next question. I wonder how many people are ok with going to McDonald's and getting a big Mac, yet frown on hunters and hunting? What's more, how many are pro-choice yet against hunting. Those are the folks that really get me.

He is smart and a great advocate. Better yet; he is good with words, and keeps his cool.
I don't think he could have handled it any better than he did. We need more of that in the hunting world...
Steven handled it very well and I think the other guy did too. It is good to see people that disagree having a conversation instead of resorting to yelling and name calling. I picked up his book because I really enjoyed his first two. I haven't had a chance to get into it yet though.
bmack - Thanks for posting the video.

I think Steven did a great job articulating his point. He stated facts to support his views and opinions prior to giving them. He did it without attaching views of the gentlemen that asked the question.

One of best things he communicated was the connection that we as hunters have with the animals we purse. That is the thing that people with anti-hunting view don't understand. I as hunter value the game I chase more deeply than those that don't. I think it is demonstrated by our actions to preserve the herds and lands they live on.

One thing that surprised me was that the gentleman that asked question had enough respect to let Steven actual respond to the question with cutting him off.
Good video, but I think the vegan is a hypocrite. If all life is sacred shouldn't he feel some kind of extreme remorse for taking lives when he lops off a head of lettuce or tears a carrot from it's home in the dirt. What about rape of all those soy beans processed into tofu? If you are going to elevate "innocent" animals to same level as a human I don't see why an eggplant should be treated any different; both are living breathing life forms.

That being said I don't have a problem with being a vegetarian or vegan (in fact I'm starting to adopt a more vegetarian type diet) as long as you don't preach that you are morally superior because the life form you eat doesn't cluck, moo, oink, or bugle.
One of the best points I think steve came up with was making the connection to our past. We as people have been hunting for thousands of years, but yet we get asked "why do you hunt" when the real question should be "why dont you hunt?"
I think the fact is: Rinella is just as passionate as the vegan. Although they disagree, the amount of passion allows them to respect each others opinion.

My man crush on Rinella grows...
That's a great response by Steven.

I'm going to a book signing this week with him, much like the one shown, we'll see if any Vegans show up. Maybe I'll bring my video camera.
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